How old do you have to be to get Baptized?
Any age!
What is another name for Confession?
What does the bread and wine symbolize during Communion?
The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ
How many times can we get married?
We should only get married once, as Catholics, God does not want us to get divorced because we promise him during Matrimony that we will stay together no matter what.
How many Sacraments are there?
What does the Priest pour over your head during Baptism?
Holy Water
Any time we want.
What is another name for Communion?
Why do we receive "Anointing of the Sick"?
To ask Jesus to forgive our sins and pray for God's mercy and healing usually when we are too ill to receive reconciliation, but we don't have to be too ill.
How many Commandments are there?
(BONUS X2 POINTS: Who did God give the commandments to?)
BONUS: Moses
What is "Original Sin"?
The sin inherited from Adam and Eve disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit.
What is the prayer we say during Confession?
(BONUS X2 POINTS: Say the entire Prayer from Memory)
The Act of Contrition
What major event started the tradition of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ (bread and wine) during Communion?
The Last Supper
What do we receive during Confirmation?
The gift of the Holy Spirit.
What are the three sacraments of Initiation?
Baptism, Communion and Confirmation
What is the name of the Garden that Adam and Eve were banned from?
(BONUS X2 POINTS: What is the name of the tree that Adam and Eve ate from?)
The Garden of Eden
BONUS: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
In the parable Jesus told about the man and his lost sheep, what did he say the man would do if he had 100 sheep and lost one?
He said, the man would leave behind all 99 other sheep until he found that 1 sheep. Just like God will always accept 1 sinner who turned towards him over 99 righteous people who think they are better than him.
How many times should we receive Communion in one day?
No more than 2.
Holy Orders is the sacrament you receive if you want to be a...
Priest, Monk or Nun
Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
Who baptized Jesus?
St. John the Baptist
What is it called when the Priest tells us to say certain prayers or do a good deed after Confession?
What Jewish holiday was Jesus and his disciples following during the Last Supper?
(BONUS X2 POINTS: What kind of bread is eaten during this holiday and is the reason we eat the same kind of bread for Communion?)
Passover (The Feast of Unleavened Bread)
BONUS: Unleavened Bread
What symbols in the church are normally used for Confirmation?
The dove and fire to represent the Holy Spirit.
What order should we technically receive the sacraments?
1. Baptism
2. Confession
3. Communion
4. Confirmation
5. Matrimony / Holy Orders
6. Anointing of the Sick