Rates & Unit Rates
Proportional Relationships & Equations of a Line
Scale Figures
Catchphrase/Word Puzzle (Entertainment)

In geometry class, the girl to boy ratio is 9 to 4. If there are 45 girls, how many boys are there?

En la clase de geometría, la proporción de niñas y niños es de 9 a 4. Si hay 45 niñas, ¿cuántos niños hay?

Trong lớp hình học, tỷ lệ nữ và nam là 9 trên 4. Nếu có 45 nữ thì có bao nhiêu nam?


What is 20 boys  


Find the unit rates for the following problems: 

27 calls in 9 hours 

Encuentre las tasas unitarias para los siguientes problemas:

27 llamadas en 9 horas

Tìm hệ số đơn vị cho các bài toán sau:

27 cuộc gọi trong 9 giờ



What is 3 calls per 1 hour 


True or False: Another name for constant of proportionality is unit rate.

Verdadero o falso: otro nombre para la constante de proporcionalidad es tasa unitaria.

Đúng hay Sai: Một tên gọi khác của hằng số tỷ lệ là tỷ lệ đơn vị.




Nelly tells Patricia that her binder costs $8 because of a discount of 20% when she bought it. Patricia wants to buy a similar binder. How much will it cost if the discount is no longer available? 

Nelly le dice a Patricia que su carpeta cuesta $8 debido a un descuento del 20% cuando la compró. Patricia quiere comprar una carpeta similar. ¿Cuánto costará si el descuento ya no está disponible?

Nelly 告诉 Patricia,她的活页夹售价为 8 美元,因为她买的时候有 20% 的折扣。Patricia 想买一个类似的活页夹。如果不再有折扣,活页夹要花多少钱?

Nelly nói với Patricia rằng bìa sách của cô ấy có giá 8 đô la vì cô ấy đã giảm giá 20% khi mua nó. Patricia muốn mua một chiếc bìa cứng tương tự. Chi phí sẽ là bao nhiêu nếu giảm giá không còn nữa? 



The value of the unknown side length ? is ...



To the group (TikTok Trends): 30 seconds



During school lunch, The ratio of students who chose chicken nuggets over pizza was 2 to 5. If 168 students chose chicken nuggets, how many students chose pizza?

Durante el almuerzo escolar, la proporción de estudiantes que eligieron nuggets de pollo en lugar de pizza fue de 2 a 5. Si 168 estudiantes eligieron nuggets de pollo, ¿cuántos estudiantes eligieron pizza?

Trong giờ ăn trưa ở trường, tỷ lệ học sinh chọn gà viên thay vì pizza là 2:5. Nếu 168 học sinh chọn gà viên, vậy có bao nhiêu học sinh chọn pizza?


What is 252 students chose pizza.


Bill earns $108 for 3 hours of work.  How much does Bill earn per hour?

Bill earns $36 dollars. per hour


Is the graph a proportional relationship? Why?


Does not go through the origin


In a class of 50 students, 40% of the class is girls. How many boys are in the class?

30 boys


What is the length of "X" if the two figures are scaled copies? 

X = 9.6 m


Unscramble the work: 45 seconds



For every 3 chocolate chip cookies that Angel bakes, he bakes 2 oatmeal raisin cookies. Is he bakes 80 oatmeal raisin cookies, how many chocolate chip cookies did he bake?

Por cada 3 galletas con chispas de chocolate que hornea Ángel, hornea 2 galletas de avena con pasas. ¿Hornea 80 galletas de avena con pasas? ¿Cuántas galletas con chispas de chocolate horneó?

Cứ 3 chiếc bánh quy sô cô la mà Angel nướng thì anh ấy sẽ nướng 2 chiếc bánh quy nho khô làm từ bột yến mạch. Anh ấy nướng 80 chiếc bánh quy nho khô bột yến mạch, anh ấy đã nướng bao nhiêu chiếc bánh quy sô-cô-la chip?

Angel 每烤 3 個巧克力曲奇,就會烤 2 個燕麥葡萄乾餅乾。他烤了 80 塊燕麥葡萄乾餅乾,烤了多少塊巧克力餅乾? 

What is 120 chocolate chip cookies 


21 yards of yarn costs $42. What is the price per yard?

21 yardas de hilo cuestan $42. ¿Cuál es el precio por yarda?

21 yard sợi có giá 42 USD. Giá mỗi sân là bao nhiêu?

21 碼紗線售價 42 美元。每碼價格是多少?

What is $2 per yard


Is the equation y = 4x + 10 proportional? Explain.

No. The equation is NOT in the form of y = kx.

Does not have a constant of proportionality.


Deanna needs to get at least an 89% of the questions on her math test for her dad to buy her concert tickets. If the test has 40 questions, how many questions is Deanna allowed to get incorrect?

Deanna necesita obtener al menos el 89% de las preguntas de su examen de matemáticas para que su padre pueda comprarle entradas para el concierto. Si el examen tiene 40 preguntas, ¿cuántas preguntas puede Deanna responder incorrectamente?

迪安娜的数学考试至少要答对 89% 的问题,她爸爸才能给她买音乐会门票。如果考试有 40 道题,迪安娜最多答错多少道题?

Deanna cần phải đạt được ít nhất 89% số câu hỏi trong bài kiểm tra toán để bố cô ấy mua vé xem hòa nhạc cho cô ấy. Nếu bài kiểm tra có 40 câu hỏi, Deanna được phép trả lời sai bao nhiêu câu hỏi?

4 questions


A flagpole and a model flag pole have a scale factor of 1 in.= 4 ft. If the model pole measures 12 inches, how tall is the pole in feet?



Guess the phrase (3 words): 45 sec

Adivina la frase (3 palabras): 45 seg

猜短語(3 個單字):45 秒

Đoán cụm từ (3 từ): 45 giây 

                        "Forgive and Forget"


The ratio of cats to dogs that are in the shelter is 5 to 3. If there are 48 total animals, how many more are cats?

La proporción de gatos y perros que hay en el refugio es de 5 a 3. Si hay 48 animales en total, ¿cuántos más son gatos?

Tỷ lệ mèo và chó ở trong nơi trú ẩn là 5 trên 3. Nếu có tổng cộng 48 con vật thì có bao nhiêu con mèo nữa?

收容所裡的貓和狗的比例是 5 比 3。 

What is 12 more cats than dogs 


A family travels 2918.6 miles in 42 hours. How fast is the family traveling in one day? (Round to the nearest mile)

1668 miles/day


Which machine is a proportional relationship and what is its constant of proportionality? 

¿Qué máquina es una relación proporcional y cuál es su constante de proporcionalidad?

Máy nào có mối quan hệ tỷ lệ và hằng số tỷ lệ của nó là bao nhiêu?


What is machine Q and a constant of proportionality of 6 


Stuart has $59 he can use to buy a calculator. The calculator costs $55 plus tax. If the the sales tax is 3%, will Stuart have enough money to buy the calculator? If not, how much money will he need?

Stuart tiene $59 que puede usar para comprar una calculadora. La calculadora cuesta $55 más impuestos. Si el impuesto sobre las ventas es del 3%, ¿tendrá Stuart suficiente dinero para comprar la calculadora? Si no, ¿cuánto dinero necesitará?

斯图尔特有 59 美元可以用来买一个计算器。计算器的价格为 55 美元,外加税。如果销售税为 3%,斯图尔特是否有足够的钱来买计算器?如果没有,他需要多少钱?

Stuart có $59 anh ấy có thể dùng để mua một chiếc máy tính. Máy tính có giá $55 cộng thuế. Nếu thuế bán hàng là 3%, liệu Stuart có đủ tiền để mua chiếc máy tính không? Nếu không, anh ta sẽ cần bao nhiêu tiền?

No, he needs $1.77

No, necesita $1,77

不,他需要 1.77 美元

Không, anh ấy cần 1,77 đô la


On a train platform there is a map showing train stops. The distance from stop A to stop B in the drawing is 4 inches. The actual distance is 240 miles. What is the scale of the map? 

1 inch  = 60 miles


To the individual (Music Arts): 30 seconds



The ratio of the cost of a tennis racket to tennis balls is 30.25:5.50. If a can of balls cost $4, what is total cost of 6 rackets and 5 cans of tennis balls?

What is $152


An anime catalogue shows a rectangular framed picture of Satoru Gojo priced at $24. The picture of the figurine in the catalogue measures to be 5.5 cm long and 3 cm wide. If the actual picture frame has a scale of 1:4, what is the price per square centimeter of the actual Gojo picture?

$11 per square centimeter


A line on a graph passes through the points (5.5, 13.75), (37,92.5 16.25), (51, 127.5). Does the graph of the line show a proportional relationship? If so, what is the equation of the line?

y = 2.5x


A two day carnival was expected to sell 500 tickets over the weekend. The actual number of tickets sold was 440 tickets. What was the percent error for tickets sold? (Round to the nearest hundredth)



A drawing of a children's park includes a square sandbox. In the drawing the length of one side measures 15 in. If the scale of the sandbox is 1:6, what is the area of the sandbox in feet?

7.5 feet


Guess the phrase (2 words)

1. Bucket

2. Bucket

3. Bucket

4. Bucket

Bucket List