Carry blood away from heart, high in O2
Capillaries are endothelium surrounded by what?
Basement membrane
Clot in a deep vein
Deep vein thrombosis
Volume of blood flowing through a vessel organ or entire circulation at any given time, equivalent to cardiac output
Blood flow
Pulse Pressure equation
Systolic - Diastolic = Pulse Pressure
Have direct contact with tissues, energy exchange between blood and tissue cells
These types of capillaries are the least leaky and found in the CNS skin, muscle, and lungs
Continuous capillaries
When small patchy plaques develop in walls of arteries
Force per unit are exerted on wall of blood vessels
Blood Pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)-pressure that propels blood to tissues
MAP=diastolic pressure + Pulse pressure/3
Carry blood toward heart, low in O2
These types of capillaries contain swiss cheese like holes and are in active filtration areas like the kidney
Fenestrated capillary
When an arterial wall thins and balloons out
Opposition to flow measured by amount of friction blood encounters as it passes through a vessel
Pressure in the capillaries is
Has 3 layers including tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica externa
Blood Vessel Walls
These types of capillaries have large intercellular clefts where whole formed elements can move through and are found in the liver, bone marrow and spleen
Sinusoid capillary
Blood vessels inadequately fill and cannot circulate blood normally
Circulatory shock
Greatest influence on resistance
Blood vessel diameter
Blood pressure is directly proportional to 3 main factors which are
CO, TPR, and Blood Volume
Small changes in vessel _____ greatly influences _____ and _______
diameter; blood flow and pressure
Interwoven network of capillaries between arterioles and venules
Capillary Bed
Includes anaphylactic shock, neurogenic shock, and septic shock
Vascular shock
Blood flow is ______ proportional to difference in ______ _______
directly; blood pressure
Blood flow is _______ proportional to metabolic activity