A large, hot desert in North Africa that covers about 3.5 million square miles
What is Sahara?
a West African empire ruled by the Mande that became a major crossroads of the Islamic world
What is Mali?
Why were there very few large settlements in the Sahara?
What is because it was too dry?
Which technology did the Nok people adopt as early as 500 A.D.?
What is ironworking?
Islam was first brought to West Africa by who?
Who are caravan traders?
a medieval civilization and empire in West Africa
What is Ghana?
a story that is passed down orally and becomes part of a culture’s tradition
What is folktale?
How did the Niger River encourage trade?
What is because it was a transportation route?
Which product of West Africa was most important in the trade across the Sahara?
What is gold?
Which event in Kumbi, Ghana in 1076 contributed to the spread of Islam?
What is the conquest of the Almoravids
the longest river in West Africa, and a kind of trading highway in early times
What is the Niger River?
a song style in which a singer or musician leads with a call, and a chorus responds
What is call and response?
How have historians learned about the kingdom of Ghana?
What is from writings of Arab scholars?
What did extended family groups do for defense against dangerous floods or enemies?
What is they formed communities?
How did the Mande people build Mali into an empire?
What is they took control of the trans-saharan trade?
the process of melting ore to produce iron or other metals from it
What is smelting?
the first West African ruler to practice Islam devoutly?
Who is Mansa Musa?
Compared to the West African savanna the Sahel has less what?
What is rainfall?
How did Ghana raise money to pay for government officials?
What is by taxing goods?
How were West African languages maintained as the use of Arabic spread?
What is they were spoken in everyday life?
a family line traced through the mother
What is matrilineal?
an account of the line of ancestry within a family
What is genealogy?
Jenne-jeno was located in the southern savanna. What geographical feature was a barrier between Jenne-jeno and cities on the north coast?
What is the Sahara?
The trans-saharan trade increased after about 300 A.D. as a result of what?
What is the introduction of camels?
What did Sunni Ali lead the Songhai people to do?
What is break away from the Mali by force?