The type of feather on a bird's body that is short and fluffy and helps the bird to trap heat and stay warm.
What is Down Feather?
This bodily function allows the bird to maintain balance in their body.
What is Homeostasis?
This body part on a bird helps grip, capture, and handle food.
What is Bill?
This body part/bodily function in birds allows birds to fertilize eggs internally and lay eggs themselves.
What is Bird Reproduction?
When a bird spreads plant seeds, Birds are being a...?
What is Pollinator?
The type of feather on a bird's body that gives shape to the body and has a series of hooks and barbs linked together to keep the feathers smooth.
What is Contour Feather?
This bodily function allows the bird to absorb heat and it makes them warm-blooded.
What is Endothermic?
This body part on a bird has 4 chambers and pumps blood throughout the bird to keep it alive.
What is Bird Heart Structure?
This body part on a bird is used for storage of food inside a birds' body after swallowing it.
What is Crop?
What birds live in. The Adult Birds/Parent Birds usually make/prepare it.
What is Nest?
The type of feather on a bird's body helps to balance and steer the bird while flying and extends beyond the body.
What is Flight Feather?
This bodily function is the way a bird's body can adapt/change/modify to be able to fly (Ex: Their bones are almost hollow to help with keeping the birds light)
What is Flight Adaptations?
This body part on a bird allows it to get more oxygen from each breath and is very helpful when flying at such high speeds.
What is Air Sacs?
This body part on a bird squeezes and grinds the food that a bird swallows.
What is Gizzard?
When a bird eats both meat/animals and plants, what is that called?
What is Omnivore?