This sport is most famously known for the lower score being the victor.
What is Golf?
This Feline with a flavored pastry body leaves a trail of multicolored arcs made by light striking water droplets.
What/Who is Nyan cat?
This sea creature can taste with its arms.
What is an octopus?
The first ever videogame.
What is pong?
The rarest ore in vanilla Minecraft.
What is Emerald ore?
This sport has its ball in an obscure shape for air dynamic reasons.
What is Football?
The name of this meme of a famous actor was seen eating a sandwich looking kind of down :(
What/who is Sad Keanu?
These common urban birds are capable of the same level of math as monkeys
What are Pigeons?
This game has been awarded the title, "worst video game ever made".
What is ET for the Atari?
Notch sold Minecraft to Microsoft roughly for this much money.
(Close enough counts)
What is $2.5 billion?
This sport has its score go up in incriments of 15, but match point, assming there is no deuce, is 40.
What is Tennis?
The product Fry is buying in this photo
What is the eyePhone?
This amphibian can freeze without dying. They typically use this for hibernation.
What are frogs?
This well known game released in 2004 is a mod to valve's Source game engine, before being released and published by valve in 2006.
What is Gmod?
Minecraft used to be named this. Afterwards the name was changed to Minecraft: Order of the Stone, then just Minecraft.
What is Cave Game?
This timed sport doesn't have a count down.
What is Soccer?
The original text for this meme.
What is male privilege is a myth, change my mind?
This marsupial has the closest fingerprints to human; and could easily taint crime scenes.
What are Koalas?
This arcade game had an unintentional mechanic that caused enemies to move faster the less of them there were due to the processing power of the machine having to move all the enemies at the same time.
What is Space Invaders?
A player must do this in vanilla Minecraft in order to get what's known as a critical hit, doing 150% damage.
What is Falling? (and not sprinting)
This sport has a maximum point value of 300.
What is Bowling?
The Greek origin of the word "Meme" introduced in 1976 by a British biologist means this.
What is imitated?
The reason cats usually only softly meow around people instead of at other cats.
What is to imitate babies for attention?
The game with the first Easter egg in it.
What is Adventure?
Mushrooms can be planted and grow on blocks other than mycelium, podzol or nylium if placed in this light level while being shielded by the sun.
What is light level 13?