These are the three types of shortage.
What is operational, external, and internal?
This metric is determined by dividing the number of apprehensions by the number of known theft incidents.
What is KTR to App %?
This internal tactic should be completed daily by the AP leader and involves conducting counts within a specific department.
What are Apple counts?
This department class, despite having no shortage implications, led detained apps $ in D422 in 2024.
What are trading cards?
A TSS should contact PD when they observe a subject in the store on this.
What is an active no trespass order?
Improper placement of stickers during this process will cause shortage for the store.
What is CRC?
This percentage range is where you want to fall from a payroll standpoint in 2025.
What is 0-5%?
This is the expectation for turnaround time for internals in 2025.
What is 14 days?
For 2024, D422 ended at 77% for this metric.
What is LE referral?
This newly added supporting metric for 2025 involves coordinating events with external partners.
What is public safety engagement events?
Shortage in this workcenter was the most deteriorated in D422 causing huge shortage implications for D422.
What is food and beverage?
This is the percentage that all stores are expected to improve by with shortage in 2025.
What is 0.5%?
These tactics should be the leading reason for internal case initiation.
What is gumshoe tactics?
This is the number of detained apprehensions D422 ended with for 2024.
What is 529?
In 2024, D422 stores documented 59 of these incidents.
What are disorderly conducts?
This is the number of stores that saw an improvement in shortage % in 2024.
What is 4?
This is the number of apprehensions a store with an AP leader and no APS would need in order to have a detained apprehension productivity of 10%.
What is 52?
This department class led internals $ case closure in D422 in 2024.
What is Apple?
This department class led with empty packages identified in D422 in 2024.
What is Ulta (342-02)?
This newly added metric to 2025, involves resolving these types of incidents and ensuring prosecution.
What are security incidents?
This is the percentage that D422 ended at from a shortage perspective in 2024.
What is 3.76%?
This is the number of apprehensions a store with one APS and an AP leader would need to hit in order to have an detained apprehension productivity of 10%.
What is 182?
This is the number of internals closed within D422 in 2024.
What is 46?
This department class led D422 with KTR documentation in 2024.
What is LEGO (204-00)?
This is the number of security incidents D422 experienced in 2024.
What is 21?