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True or False : you can forgive someone without telling them so



What is the definition of forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a process where someone who has been wronged chooses to let go of their resentment, and treat the wrongdoer with compassion.


What is the definition of stress?

Stress is one way that our bodies respond to the day-to-day struggles and demands of life. A little bit of stress can be healthy—it keeps us alert and productive. However, when we experience too much stress, it can result in serious physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms


What are personal boundaries? 

" the limits and rules we set forth for ourselves in relationships"


What did the ocean say to the beach?" 

"Nothing, it just waved."


What is Anxiety?

 a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.


True or False: You need to forget a wrongdoing in order to forgive someone

Forgiveness does not mean forgetting or condoning the wrongdoing, granting legal mercy, or reconciling a relationship. You can forgive a person while in no way believing that their actions were acceptable or justified.


Name three emotional responses to stress?

Worry Irritability Anger Loss of motivation (etc.)



What are three examples of Porous Boundaries 

Overshares personal information. 

Difficulty saying “no” to the requests of others. Overinvolved with others’ problems. 

Dependent on the opinions of others.

 Accepting of abuse or disrespect. 

Fears rejection if they do not comply with others


What did the zero say to the eight? 

"That belt looks good on you."


What are common symptoms of Anxiety (name three)

uncontrollable worry
poor concentration
increased heart rate
sleep problems
upset stomach


Name one example of what forgiveness

The decision to overcome pain that was inflicted by another person.

 Letting go of anger, resentment, shame, and other emotions associated with an injustice, even though they are reasonable feelings.

 Treating the offender with compassion, even though they are not entitled to it.  


Name three behavioral responses to stress?

Nail biting Constant thoughts about stressors Restlessness Teeth grinding


What are three examples of Rigid Boundaries 

Avoids intimacy and close relationships. 

Unlikely to ask for help. 

Has few close relationships. 

Very protective of personal information.

 May seem detached, even with romantic partners. 

Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection.


What's a robot's favorite snack?

Computer chips


What are the types of Anxiety: 

Generalized anxiety:  An excessive amount of anxiety or worry in several areas of life

Phobias:  an intense fear or a specific situation or object

 An extreme anxious response where a person response to a stimulus , usually resulting in physical symptoms 


Name one example of what forgiveness is not:

Reconciliation (repairing or returning to a relationship).

Forgetting the injustice.

Condoning or excusing the offender’s behavior.

Granting legal mercy to the offender. “Letting go”, but wishing for revenge


T/F you can forgive someone without telling them so


True or False: People should always have Rigid Boundaries?

Most people have a mix of different boundary types. For example, someone could have healthy boundaries at work, porous boundaries in romantic relationships, and a mix of all three types with their family. 

The appropriateness of boundaries depends heavily on setting. What’s appropriate to say when you’re out with friends might not be appropriate when you’re at work.


What kind of shoes do ninjas wear? 



Please name the PHP attendance policy


What are the Four Phases of Forgiveness 

The Uncovering Phase. During the first phase of forgiveness, you will improve your understanding of the injustice, and how it has impacted your life. The

Decision Phase.
During the second phase, you will gain a deeper understanding of what forgiveness is, and make the decision to choose or reject forgiveness as an option.

 The Work Phase. During the third phase, you will start to understand the offender in a new way, which will allow positive feelings toward the offender and yourself.

The Deepening Phase. During the final phase of forgiveness, you will further decrease the negative emotions associated with the injustice. You may find meaning in the experiences, and recognize ways in which you have grown as a result.


Please describe the cycle of Anxiety

An anxiety-producing situation leads to uncomfortable symptoms such as worry, fear, a racing heart, sweating, or a feeling of being overwhelmed

Uncomfortable symptoms are controlled by avoiding the anxiety-producing situation. Examples of avoidance include:

Avoidance of the anxiety-producing situation gives an immediate sense of relief. The symptoms of anxiety lessen, but only temporarily

The fear that initially led to avoidance worsens, and the brain learns that when the anxietyproducing situation is avoided, the symptoms go away. As a result, the symptoms of anxiety will be worse the next time, and avoidance is more likely  


There is a spectrum to having boundaries
Some people have loose boundaries, some people have strong boundaries and some people are in the middle.

Question: What are the clinical names for the three types of boundaries?

Rigid Boundaries ( strong)
Porous Boundaries (loose)
Healthy Boundaries (middle)


What do you get from a pampered cow? 

Spoiled milk