My favourite colour
What is dark green
The colour of my walls
My favourite stuffie
Who is teddy
My height
What is 5'7" 1/2 (5'8")
My favourite care bear
Who is love a lot bear
My favourite movie
What is Back to the Future?
The things I keep in the top drawer of my desk
What is makeup, hair products, skincare
Teddy's wife
Who is valentine
Number of years I had invisalign
What is 3 years
Place I want to visit the most
Where is Salem
My favourite musical
What is Chicago?
Where I keep my dvds
What is the frog disc holder
Squishmallow pug
Who is pugsley
Perfume I use
What is Juliette has a gun
My favourite band
What is the Smashing Pumpkins?
The thing on my letterboard
What is "you built a time machine out of a delorean"
Who is Buddy
Where I have the biggest scar
What is my knee
My favourite book
What is Girl, Interrupted?
How many cds I have
What is 40
Baby cow, duck and bunny
Who are muffin, cheese and butter
Where I have a birthmark
Where is my thigh