Need extra folic acid to prevent neural tube defects
What is Conception stage?
Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt-From 18 months to 3 years of age. The time when one explores the world and is beginning to become independent. Experience shame when not doing something right.
What is Early Childhood?
Encourage the mother to refrain from drinking and smoking.
What is Conception?
From 6 to 12 years of age. The time where friends and peers become involved and parents are no longer the strongest influence.
What is Industry vs Inferiority?
Learns to babble and roll over from stomach to back
What is Infancy/4-6 months?
Develops sense of trust that all needs will be provided for
What is Infancy stage?
From 40 to 65 years of age. Either enjoying life, kids, and community or suffering mid-life crisis and depression because life coals have not been met.
What is Generativity vs Stagnation?
From 3 to 5 years of age. When kids want to help with everything. This period helps build self-esteem, but can also foster guilt.
What is Initiative vs Guilt?
From 60 to death. The feeling of either being satisfied with life or goals weren't met and they are filled with despair and sadness just waiting to die.
What is Integrity vs Despair?
From 12 to 18 years of age. It is the time period when one struggles with an area of belonging. They are pulled in different directions and might struggle with drug or alcohol abuse.
What is Identity vs Role Confusion?
From birth to 1 year of age
What is infancy?
From 19 to 39 years of age. Where isolation is bad and unhealthy, but might not be either. Most long for romantic relationships and friendships
What is Intimacy vs Isolation?
Can the baby pull themselves up to stand?
Is the baby able to take a few steps while holding onto furniture?
What is Infancy/10-12 months?
Toilet training and dressing themselves are key milestones.
What is Early Childhood/age 18mos-3 yrs?
Engaging in Make-Believe is a major milestone.
What is Preschool age/3-6 years?
Psychosocial crisis is Despair and Disgust vs. Integrity
They revisit the same eight stage
What is Later Adulthood?
Remainder of adult teeth will form.
What is School Age/6-12 yrs?
Develops fidelity, meaning finding a personal identity and integrating it with societal roles.
What is Adolescence/age 6-12?
Primary relationship is w/children and aging family
What is Middle Adulthood/age 40-65?
A major milestone is fulfilling social/civic responsibilities.
What is Late adulthood/65+
Virtue is wisdom.
What is Later Adulthood/80s-90s?
During this stage of Piaget's, children learn about their environment through their senses and motor skills and object permanence.
What is Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage/birth-2yo
This stage of Piaget's is characterized by the beginning use of symbols, through increased language skills and pictures.
What is Piaget's Preoperational stage/approx. 2-6-7 yo
Milestones in this stage of Piaget's includes logical thinking and reversibility.
What is Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage/7-11 yo?
A milestone in this stage of Piaget's includes abstract thinking.
What is Piaget's Formal Operational stage/11yo+?