
What act put a restriction on immigration, referring back to the  1910 census?

The Quota Act of 1921


Who lead the UNIA

Marcus Garvey


What is the purpose of Trickle Down Economics?

1. Stop taking away money from big business (cut taxes)

2. Wealthy/business men will have more money, and will invest it back into the economy. Thus, making jobs by expanding current business. 

Cut taxes=cut gov spending + try to  maintain gov budget


What was the significance the radio?

It allowed for advertising, and the amalgamation of cultures, because of the popularization of Jazz. Making Jazz music mainstream. Spectator sports were also broadcasted on the radio. 


What was the loss generation?

The loss generation were writers post world war 1, that shared characteristics like disillusionment, alienation, anti-materialism in their writing. Some popular writers included, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Faulkner.


What was the Federal Highway Act of 1921?

Federal government money to help the states modernize their roads. It also planned a national highway system, outlining the safety regulations and rules of the road.

What was Coolidge‘s economic policy?

“the business of America is business” 

economic expansionist

reduce government involvement in economy 


What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?

A high tariff enacted in 1930 during the Great Depression. By taxing imported goods, Congress hoped to stimulate American manufacturing, but the tariff triggered retaliatory tariffs in other countries, which further hindered global trade and led to greater economic contraction. (During the Hoover Administration) 


Why was Charles Lindberg significant during the 1920s?

May 27th 1927 he took flight in The Spirit of St. Louis. 1st person to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean. Served as a hero and a symbol of many things for the American people. 

What was Herbert Hoovers progressive ideology?

New Individualism. Suggest what businesses can do, and help them do it RATHER then saying no.


What was the importance of the Clear and Present Danger Doctrine?

 In the case of Charles Schenck, Schenck v United States, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes concluded that the right to free speech could be limited when it represented a "clear and present danger" to the pubic safety.

Similar to what happened after 9/11


Who was Huey Long?

He created a “Share Our Wealth” movement in 1934 to lessen the effects of the Depression. The idea was to distribute wealth more evenly by capping personal incomes at 12 million dollars every year and providing pension benefits to all American citizens.


What allowed with consumers allowed for prosperity in the 20’s?

Mass consumption fuels mass production, and is a positive feedback loop. The goods bought weren’t necessities. 


What did prohibition lead to?

It lead to the creation of speakeasies, bootleggers, and flappers. Also it made crime organizations more a powerful. 


What was the Harlem Renaissance?

It was an art, music, and writer movement. They are discontent and reject the amalgamation (coming together) of black/white culture. Langston Hughes poems.


How would the McNary Haugen Bill help farmers?

The federal government would buy up surpluses and hang on to them in case of emergencies. Then they would sell them at “basement“ rates in other countries. 


What was the significance of Al Smith? 

Even though he lost the presidency, he gained an important foothold for democrats in major cities. 


What were the limits of prosperity in the 20s?

Income was maldistributed, 40% under or at the poverty line.

People left out of prosperity:

1. Unskilled workers

2. Sick industries (i.e. Coal industries)

3. Older workers

4. African Americans

5. Immigrants

6. Women



What was the significance of the assembly line?

It made production more efficient, and cheaper. Specifically in the case of cars, it made them affordable to the mass public. Cars also contributed to suburbanization. 


What was the Dream of a Black Metropolis?

 create economically thriving black communities with clack owned businesses, which is similar to Booker T Washington.


What was the Wagner Act?

It aimed to protect workers' rights to form labor unions and engage in collective bargaining with their employers. It established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to oversee labor disputes and enforce fair labor practices.


What presidents economic policies were most similar President Reagan? 

Warren G. Harding 


What was the significance of the Teapot Dome Scandal?

The Teapot Dome Scandal, during Hardings administration reconfirmed him as a scandalous president. The Teapot dome scandal was Fed gov had oil reserves, set aside in case of a national emergency, stored in T-Pot Dome, Wyoming. Albert B. Fall was leasing them to various oil companies for them to sell and they didn’t have to pay production cost.


What made Jazz important in US Culture?

It was the first uniquely American form of art. Rooted in African-American spirituals and folk rhythms. Both whites and blacks enjoyed, which is unique for the time period.

What was the UNIA?

It was the movement headed by Marcus Garvey. Black separatism/Black nationalism. Make self sufficient black cities. Back to Africa movement.