Why study history?
The Banner of the Sun
Brave New World

As a nation who loves Christ, America is part of this because it is founded by believers.

What is Christendom?


All Meso-American cultures shared these attributes (list at least 2).

What are fatalism, Chain of Being, and Worship of Death?


Most explorers set sail for these 3 reasons.

What are adventure, opportunity, and to spread the Gospel?


Columbus was born here in this year.

What are Genoa, Italy and 1451?


These daring men of trade sailed the Mediterranean out of curiosity and sometimes greed.

Who were the Carthaginians?


This is man's chief end.

What is "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever"?


They developed the wheel, but never used it, and left behind giant stone heads of chiefs for eternal recognition.They also left behind stone were jaguars.

Who are the Olmec people?


He explored the West African coast and popularized the idea of sailing West in ancient Carthage, while this prince fled from his family and came to the Gulf of Mexico with the intent to spread the Gospel.

Who are Hanno the Navigator and Madoc of Wales?


This is Columbus' earliest memory which sparked this question in his mind.

What is the fall of Constantinople marked by the bells' ringing and the people's weeping.

What is "How can I solve this?"


Sailing far south into the Atlantic Ocean, he discovered St. Helena island and possibly saw the coast of South America.

Who is Taharka?


These 7 reasons explain why we study history.

What is 1)For God's glory, 2)Redemption, 3)Knowing our Past, 4)To Know Heroes, 5)To Know Villains , 6)Avoid the mistakes of the past, and 7)to Know what it means to be human?


Living in South and Central America, they had the largest empire of the Meso-American civilizations, had a massive network of roads and suspension bridges, and celebrated the myth of Viracocha.

Who were the Inca people?


These hard evidences give credence to the possible truth of Irish, Welsh, and Viking explorers in the Americas.

What are Irish stone inscriptions in West Virginia and Tennessee, Ancient Roman coins found in Tennessee, Ancient walls like Welsh castles in Georgia and Tennessee, Testimony of the Cherokee Chief Oconostota claiming Madoc as an ancestor, Caitlin's research into Mandan tribe claiming Welsh ancestors, and Viking/Norse tools, coins, building foundations found in North America?


Columbus attended this school which was started by this man.

What are Sagres and Henry the Navigator?


Possibly the Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha of South America, He devised a small boat with a simple sail that could carry a few people and navigated by the stars.

Who is St. Brendan?


Francis Bacon believed that evil men always condemn school for this reason.

What is they don't like the idea of wisdom as it will expose them for who they are?


Living in the Yucatan, they created highly accurate calendars and were obsessed with numerology.

Who were the Mayans?


These inspired and prepared Christopher Columbus to discover America in 1492.

What are early life (Fall of Constantinople in 1453) and education (sailing for his father, and the School of Sagres developed his navigational skills, cartography, and ship design)?


This book reveals this vision Columbus had for his expeditions.

What are The Book of Prophecies and to retake Jerusalem due to prophecies in the Bible.


He is credited with founding Iceland and Greenland.

Who is Eric the Red?


Richard Weaver's belief of the importance of studying history.

What is if you don't care about those who came before you, it really only teaches you to care about yourself, and then you won't care about those who come after you?


Living in central Mexico, they practiced human sacrifice more than all the other Meso-American cultures, practiced Flowery Wars to capture human victims, and celebrated the myth of Quetzalcoatl.

Who were the Aztec people?


Experiencing these disappointments, Columbus overcame them with the help of this man.

What are his wife died, he fell in love but couldn't marry, he was unsuccessful at convincing Portuguese and Spanish nobles of the merits of sailing west. Who is Franciscan monk- Pastor Antonio?


Columbus had these motives for sailing west.

What are 1) Preach the gospel to the Great Khan and his people, 2) learn the Indians' disposition in order to determine the best method to convert them to Christianity?


This Carthaginian explorer discovered the Canary Islands.

Who is Lannibal?