4 letter words
Words that start with a P
Food that start with a P
July Facts
July Birthdays

This is a strip of leather or flexible band is typically worn around your waist or across your chest. It is there to typically support your clothes.



This is a type of liquid made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or clothes. 



This type of baked pastry is made from dough and then made in a unique shape. It can be both sweet and savory, but traditionally eaten with some salt. More than 550 million worth of these are sold in the United States each year. 



Many other countries also celebrate their independence during the month of July, not only America. On July 1st, our visitors from the North celebrate their own, as it is the day three British colonies unite to form their own country. 



Born on July 3rd, this individual made his filming debut in 1981 before climbing the ranks with his role in a 1986 movie (Top Gun). He's been known in Hollywood as a popular actor especially for his good looks and versatility. His 1996 movie put his name on the map for a long time. (Mission Impossible) 

Tom Cruise 


This is an individual who is often employed by families or businesses to work part-time or full-time to take on certain tasks that may include cleaning, cooking, or running errands. 



This is a rubber or plastic substitute given to an infant or toddler that helps get through periods of distress or crying. 



This herb has been a popular garnish for dishes but also possesses numerous health benefits. Incorporating this bitter herb into a diet can aid in digestion and reduce inflammation. Chewing on this can also help with bad breath. 



On July 29th, 1969, this individual took the first steps on the moon. "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Who said this? 

Neil Armstrong 


Born on July 6th, this American actor and comedian did not have a good start to his career especially in comedy. Now he is a beloved and successful comedian in the entertainment industry. His humor helped him overcome challenges, which he explains in his breakthrough comedy special "I'm a grown little man"

Kevin Hart 


This is an open space or elevated area in a room directly under the roof or attic. This interior space is open on at least one side, kind of resembling like a balcony. 



This is a public entertainment or show that consists of a procession of people in colorful and elegant costumes or an outdoor performance of a historical scene. It can also be considered a beauty contest. 



This traditional food represents a whole culture that can be savory or sweet, which is then boiled or fried. These crescent-shaped dumplings are very popular within a certain area of the United States that include New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and four other states. 



It was this month that the first ever vaccine for this was successful given to a patient. A French Microbiologist administered it to a 9 year old boy after getting bit by a dog. What was the vaccine for? 



Born on July 12th, this American actor, comedian and media personality is popular in his roles on TV, especially in his own sitcom from 1984-1992. He was the first Black actor to start in a dramatic role on network television in the 60s, which was his groundbreaking role. 

Bill Cosby 


This type of unarmed modern Japanese martial arts focuses on throwing, pinning and mastering the opponent, which then causes them to yield. Techniques such as applying pressure to arm joints or to the neck are used in this Olympic sport. 



This is a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. It can also be considered as a remarkable person, thing or event. 



Invented in 1957 in Quebec, this dish is made with fresh cheese curds and usually a type of gravy. A lot of varieties are made around America as long as there is cheese, gravy and fries on a plate. In French terms, it literally means "a mess", which is how it is on the plate. 



July is the start of when we start to see these bugs come out, especially at night. They have a certain glow to them, making evenings have an enchanting feel to them. What are they? 

Fireflies: Lightning bug 


Born on July 2nd, this Australian individual has quickly ascended the ranks to become of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses. Her career took off on a popular soap opera called Neighbours before moving to the United States and getting her big break on Hollywood in the film, The Wolf of Wall Street. 

Margot Robbie 


These are a variety of dances, usually performed at ceremonies that involve vigorous movements and stomping of the feed to a rhythm sound. Traditionally it was a customary way to welcome visiting tribes but also served as a way to intimidate them. Often seen in Hawaiian, Samoan and New Zealand culture. 



This is the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially the generous donation of money to good causes. It's often defined as giving gifts of time, talent and treasure to help make life better for other people. 



Known as a gourmet delicacy, this appetizer which is typically spread on bread or added to a sauce, is a versatile and flavorful treat that has captivated food lovers for centuries. It's definitely an acquired taste but can throw people off since it is commonly made from liver. 



The White house hosted the first ever 4th of July celebration in this year. What year was this? 

1804: one guess per person 


Born on July 8th, recently celebrating his 75th birthday, this chef and restauranteur is a legend celebrity known for his culinary excellence and innovation. His food empire spans the globe especially his world-class restaurants and famous cookbooks. 

Wolfgang Puck