True/False questions
Multiple Choice
Essay/Short Answer

How should you mark your answers for true/false questions?**

     - A. Write in cursive

     - B. Use symbols like stars and hearts

     - C. Write "T" and "F" clearly.

     - D. Circle the correct letter

C. Write "T" and "F" clearly.


What is the suggested approach before looking at the choices in multiple-choice questions?**

     - A. Guess the answer immediately

     - B. Skip the question

     - C. Try to answer the question in your head.

     - D. Ask a friend for the answer

C. Try to answer the question in your head.


What is the first step to take when tackling a matching task?

A) Match items randomly.

B) Check to see how many choices are in each column.

C) Match items with the shortest choices.

D) Skip the task altogether.

B) Check to see how many choices are in each column.


How can you improve your essay or short answer response?**

     - A. Write the first thing that comes to mind

     - B. Read the question once and start writing

     - C. Read and re-read the question, find key words, and craft a well-organized response.

     - D. Copy from your friend's paper

C. Read and re-read the question, find key words, and craft a well-organized response.


What should you do before answering any questions on a test?**

     - A. Skip the directions

     - B. Read the directions carefully and underline key words.

     - C. Answer randomly

     - D. Wait for the teacher's instructions

B. Read the directions carefully and underline key words.


How should you treat a statement with exceptions in a true/false question?**

   - A) Assume it's true unless stated otherwise.

   - B) Treat it as true regardless.

   - C) Consider it false.

   - D) Skip the question.


C) Consider it false.


What should you do before marking your final answer in a multiple-choice question?**

   - A) Choose the longest option.

   - B) Read all choices carefully.

   - C) Pick the first one that sounds right.

   - D) Skip the choices, it's time-consuming.

B) Read all choices before marking your answer.


How should you approach matching items?

A) Match items you don't know first.

B) Match items with the shortest choices first.

C) Match items you know first.

D) Start with the column that has the most choices.

C) Match items you know first.


What advice is given about word banks in completion questions?**

     - A. Ignore the word bank

     - B. Memorize the word bank

     - C. Cross out words as you use them and answer without the word bank

     - D. Complete the word bank first

C. Cross out words as you use them and answer without the word bank


What advice is given about word banks in completion questions?**

     - A. Ignore the word bank

     - B. Cross out words as you use them and try to answer without the word bank.

     - C. Use all the words in the word bank

     - D. Wait for the teacher to provide answers

B. Cross out words as you use them and try to answer without the word bank.


What should you look for in FALSE statements according to the information?**

   - A) Look for the longest statements.

   - B) Search for cue words like "never" or "always."

   - C) Ignore cue words; they don't matter.

   - D) Only focus on the first and last words.

B) Search for cue words like  "never" or "always."


How should you approach selecting an answer in a multiple-choice question?**

   - A) Choose the one with the most information.

   - B) Select the first option you think is correct.

   - C) Choose the best answer, not necessarily the only right one.

   - D) Always go for the longest choice

C) Choose the best answer, not necessarily the only right one


What should you do after successfully matching an item?

A) Skip to the next task.

B) Draw a line through completed items.

C) Start over from the beginning.

D) Leave it blank.

Answer: B) Draw a line through completed items.


What aspect of a completion question can provide a hint for finding the answer?

  • A) The font size of the blank.

  • B) The number of blanks.

  • C) The color of the blank.

  • D) The shape of the blank.

B) The number of blanks.


Why is it important to check the time remaining during a test?**

     - A. To show off to classmates

     - B. To decide what to eat later

     - C. To ensure you allocate enough time for each section.

     - D. To finish as quickly as possible

C. To ensure you allocate enough time for each section


When is it recommended to guess if you don't know the answer in a true/false question?**

   - A) Only if you have time left.

   - B) Always guess, as you have a 50% chance of being right.

   - C) Never guess; it's better to leave it blank.

   - D) Only if the statement is short.

B) Always guess, as you have a 50% chance of being right.


According to the information, what should you look for in incorrect choices in a multiple-choice question?**

   - A) Words starting with "A."

   - B) Cue words like "never" or "all."

   - C) The shortest option.

   - D) The one with the most details.

B) Cue words like "never" or "all."


Which column should you start with when matching items?

A) The column with the shortest choices.

B) The column with the longest choices.

C) It doesn't matter which column you start with.

D) Start from the middle column.

B) The column with the longest choices.


What is the recommended step before writing an essay or short answer response?

A) Check the time remaining.

B) Read and re-read the question/prompt.

C) Circle key words and specific actions.

D) Write the first thing that comes to mind.

B) Read and re-read the question/prompt.


What is the first step in improving your test scores?**

     - A) Answer the difficult questions first.

     - B) Read the directions carefully.

     - C) Skip questions you don't understand.

     - D) Use a calculator for all calculations.

B) Read the directions carefully.


What is the advice regarding changing your original answer in a true/false question?**

   - A) Change it every time for a better chance.

   - B) Keep your original answer unless you are sure it is wrong.

   - C) Change it if you feel unsure.

   - D) Skip the question if uncertain.

B) Keep your original answer unless you are sure it is wrong.


What should you consider when looking for clues in a multiple-choice question?**

   - A) The font size of the choices.

   - B) Grammar clues.

   - C) The number of words in each choice.

   - D) Skip grammar clues; they are irrelevant.

B) Look for grammar clues.



If you don't know the answer, always guess C. because it's the most common correct option.

FALSE- This a just a myth.  There is NO most common answers on standardized tests.


What should you consider when crafting your response to an essay or short answer question?

A) The length of the response.

B) The font size of your writing.

C) The number of paragraphs you can write.

D) The direction words provided in the question.

D) The direction words provided in the question.


What is the suggested approach when attempting a completion question with a word bank?

  • A) Guess randomly.

  • B) Skip the question.

  • C) Try to answer without using the word bank.

  • D) Memorize the word bank.

C) Try to answer without using the word bank.