This industrialist gave away over half his fortune
Who was Andrew Carnegie?
John D. Rockefeller controlling 90% of the oil industry is an example of what?
What is a monopoly?
Animal you might see in a city street
What was a rat or pig?
Most people moving to the U.S. went through one of these 2 immigration stations
What were Ellis Island and Angel Island?
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire occurred on these floors
What were 8-10?
The 2 industries that made Cornelius Vanderbilt rich
What were shipping and trains?
Synonym for city
What is urban?
A run down apartment building that was overcrowded but cheap to live in
What is a tenement
Like the Pilgrims, many immigrants come to the U.S. looking for this
What is religious freedom?
Money saving reason why factory owners hired children
What was they could pay them less?
John D. Rockefeller's company
What was Standard Oil?
In this business strategy, you control the steps of the production process
What is vertical integration?
A disease that spread easily in The Gilded Age
What was smallpox, cholera, diptheria, tuberculosis, or pneumonia?
This caused immigration to almost stop in the middle of the 20th century
What was World War II?
What was the average yearly worker wage in 1900?
The only industrialist we talked about who started out rich
Who was JP Morgan?
The definition of industrialization
What is the change from things being made by hand to mass produced in factories?
Something tenements lacked
What is indoor plumbing/bathrooms/running water, privacy, enough fresh air, etc
One of the top 3 countries of origin for immigrants in The Gilded Age
What was Russia, Italy, or Austria-Hungary?
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was an example of one of these - an overcrowded, unsafe factory where people work long hours for low pay
What was a sweatshop?
This university received a large donation from an industrialist
What is Vanderbilt, Univ. of Chicago, or Carnegie Mellon?
Reason it was called The Gilded Age
What is things looked rich on the outside but underneath things were not good?
What is there was lots of showy wealth and privilege, but underneath that many were struggling?
Types of factories that dumped waste which contaminated drinking water
What were meatpacking factories or steel mills?
Common reason why some people (at any time) express concern about immigration
What is fear of losing their job, fear of change, etc
3 benefits workers at the turn of the century lacked
What were vacation, holidays, sick days, health insurance, maternity leave, retirement?