Logan (again)

What candy does Logan want to create in the contest and what does it do?

"Bubbletastic ChocoRocket". It turns from chocolate to gum, then back to chocolate.


What does Miles keep in his backpack?

Life jacket


What's Daisy's mission at Life is Sweet factory and where is it hidden?

Mission: steal the secret ingredient from the Cocoa Room


What does Philip write in his notebook?

Musical notes


What was inside the tin can that was the secret ingredient?

Their reflection


What does Logan's mom leave in his pocket every morning?

Logan's mom gives him a folded piece of notebook paper. The paper has an inspirational quote or poem written in it.


Why does Miles think about the afterlife?

He saw a girl drown and wanted to give her a safe place to live.


What does AJ tell Daisy about what happened to her when she was younger and what does this mean for Daisy?

AJ tells Daisy that her parents missed her third birthday so no one told her it was her birthday. The next year she thought she was turning three. To Daisy this means that she is thirteen years old and not twelve.


Why is Philip so concerned when he meets Henry?

Henry knows who he is.


Who won the contest? What made it win over other candies?

Philip. The Harmonicandy tastes good and plays musical notes.


What makes the nouget taste "off" and what skill does Logan have to help?

The part of the nougat that was tasted off was the honey. Logan ca help because he is a bee charmer and he can direct the bees to like the new queen.


When Miles go to the library, what does he do?

When Miles goes to the library, he picks five random books. He opens them to a random page, and he points his finger to a random line on the page and writes it down. Then, he reads the sentences on a piece of paper.


Who does Daisy spy for, and who does she live with in the mansion? Name three people living in the mansion with her.

Daisy works for her grandmother, who is also a spy. In the mansion she lives with Courtney, Clarissa, and Marissa.


What does Philip find in the store room that is so fascinating to him, and what does he do with it?

The rarest violin and tunes it.


What were the names of Logan's, Miles, Daisy's and Philip's candies in order?

Bubbletastic Chocorocket, Bee Happy, Green Glob of Goo (3Gs) & Harmonicandy


Why is Logan concerned that he doesn't "have what it takes to be a candy maker"?

He can't even follow the simplest recipe or do multiplication in his head.


Where does he like to sit when he thinks at home?

On top of the roof


What was the name of the "book" she was "reading"?

Love's Last Dance


How does Philip's reason for wanting to win the contest change after he speaks with Henry?

He decides to win the contest and save the factory from his dad.


What was one small secret Logan forgot to mention to Philip?

His grandfather made the violin


What candy was Max was making before the contestants arrived?

Fireball Supernova


What kind of candy did he want to make for the contest?

Bee shaped candy

In the candy factory, what did she do that impressed many people?
She can stretch the taffy without sweating.

What did his mother wish his father teach Philip?

About art, music, and being grateful for what you have, not just how to compete and make money.


Where did they all go after the contest the next day?

Verona Park