The Real Number System
History of Mathematics

There are five (5) different categories of numbers in the Real Number system.  Name two of them.

What are. . . (any of: Counting, Whole, Integers, Rational, or Irrational). . . numbers?


1/8 as a decimal is _______

What is "0.125"?


2 1/2 cups of flour, 1 1/4 cups of sugar, and 1/2 cup of brown sugar are mixed in a bowl.  How many cups of ingredients are there total?

What is "4 1/4"?


Some of the earliest counting systems developed by humans depended on the counting of __________ and ___________.

What is "fingers and toes"?


One of Mr. Knaus and Ms. Ondersma's favorite sayings about math is:  "___________ are proof you are trying."

What is "mistakes"?


The difference between Counting numbers and Whole numbers is that Whole numbers include the number _______

What is "zero"?


In order to add and subtract fractions, you need a _________ __________

What is a "common denominator"?


If a car is traveling at a consistent rate and travels 325 miles in 5 hours, its rate of travel (or unit rate) is ____________ (note: answer must include units)

What is "65 miles per hour"


The Chinese tool created for counting large numbers was called the __________.

What is the "abacus".


One of the most important qualities of a good mathematician is ___________, or the ability to "stick with" a problem even when the answer is not easily apparent.

What is "perseverance"?


Integers are made up of all Whole Numbers and their _________ _________

What are "negative opposites"?


You can turn a whole number into a fraction by placing it over _______.

What is "one"?


A small bag of coffee weighs 7/12 of a kilogram.  A larger bag weighs 4/5 of a kilogram.  How much larger is the large bag than the small bag?

What is "13/60 kilograms"?


The Incan tool for counting large numbers (The Quipu) consisted of counting _________ and _________

What are "knots and chords"


One of the steps in using the CUBES method for solving word problems is ________.  (Hint: What do the letters of the acronym CUBES stand for)

What are (any answer may apply):Circle key numbers, Underline the question, Box math clue words, Evaluate and Eliminate, and Solve and Show your work?


________ numbers consist of fractions, and repeating and terminating decimals

What are "Rational numbers"?


All fraction problems are __________ problems

What is "division"?


When calculating rates, the numerator is always the ___________ variable and the denominator is always the ___________ variable.

What is "dependent and independent"?


The number system we use today is called the ________ _________ number system.  Also acceptable: Name the countries or regions of the world where the modern numbers we use today were created.

What is the "Hindu-Arabic" numeral system?  Or, what is Arabia (the Middle East), or India?


A rule for subtraction and division that does not apply to addition and multiplication is that ________ matters

What is "order"?


__________ numbers can not be written as a ratio (or fraction) of two integers, including non-repeating/non-terminating decimals.  An example of one of these numbers is ____________.

What is "Irrational numbers"?

Example: (answers may vary) pi, any non-repeating/non-terminating decimal.

To convert a mixed number into an improper fraction you _________ the whole number by the denominator and then _________ the product by the numerator.

What is "multiply then add"


Student A has a collection of baseball cards.  Student A gives 2/5 of their collection to Student B.  Student B ends up with 14 cards.  How many cards did Student A have to begin with?

What is "35 cards"?


The Sumerian and Babylonian number system were based off a base _______ system (hint: think of the modern clock)

What is "Base 60"?


The method we use for long division or multiplication is known as an _____________. (hint: a repeated pattern of steps)

What is an "algorithm"?