Tough Decisions
Perspective and Point of View
Quotes from the passage
To Sum It Up
What's the Purpose?

Ji-li goes to the the household registration office. What decision does she make and why does she make this choice? 

She leaves without changing her name, because she does not want to cut ties with her mom, dad, and grandma.


What is Ji-li's impression of Officer Ma?  

She thinks he his intimidating and enjoys having power and authority over others.  


“Jiang Ji-li,” he said softly. “Brace yourself.” Why does Ban Shan tell Ji-li this? 

He knows she is about to get kicked out of the exhibition and wants her to be prepared.  


"To us Chairman Mao was God. He controlled everything we read, everything we heard, and everything we learned in school. We believed everything he said. Naturally, we knew only good things about Chairman Mao and the Cultural Revolution. Anything bad had to be the fault of others. Mao was blameless." Put this quote in a one sentence summary. 

The people of China did not question Chairman Mao or Communism because the only information they had access to told the Communism and Chairman Mao were great for their country. 


What is the purpose of Ji-li going to the registration office to change her last name?

She believes all of her misfortune comes from her last name. If she could drop her last name she could just be Ji-li and be lucky.   


In paragraph 47, what is the reason Ji-li feels she is not the best choice to represent her class in the exhibition?  

She feels her "black" family background makes her ineligible 


What is Ji-li’s perspective on being asked to join the

Class Education Exhibition?

She is stunned she is being asked, especially with her family background.


In paragraph 55, Ji-li states that “I was afraid I would

cry if I said another word.” What does this statement

tell the reader about Ji-li's emotional state?

She doesn't want anyone to know how worried she is about people calling her out for her family's background. 


Tell what happens to Ji-li and her family at the end of the novel. 

All accept Grandma and Song Po Po move to the United States. In 1980 Dad is cleared and able to work at a Children's theater. Dad and others were released when a new group of rebels took over at the theater.  


Which of the following describes the purpose of

the Class Education Exhibition? Mark each choice

Yes or No.

A. To condemn the old society 

B. To encourage students to become involved in the

cultural revolution

C. To recruit students to the propaganda group 

A. Yes

B. Yes

C. No 


"You can tell your parents you’ll follow Chairman Mao, not them. If they give you any trouble, just come here and tell us. We’ll go to their work units and hold struggle meetings against them… .”

Officer Ma says that if Ji-li's parents won't allow her to break with her family they will be punished.


How does Ji-li feel about her mom writing to the Municipal Party Committee on her father's behalf? 

She is nervous her mom and Uncle Tian getting caught and making their situation worse. She also wonders if she should report it. 


Quick!” Mom thrust a letter into my hand. “Hide this. We can’t let them find it. I’ll try to slow them down.” Why does her mom ask Ji-li to hide the letter. 

The theater people were coming to search the house and if they find the letter Ji-li's mom will be in trouble.


"All night I hardly slept. I saw Thin-Face’s hard eyes, and I saw tears on Dad’s cheeks. In the early morning I finally fell into a troubled sleep. I awoke just half an hour before I had to report to the exhibition. I washed and dressed and ran out the door, still rubbing my swollen eyes." Summarize why Ji-li is having this dream.

Ji-li was asked to testify against her father.  


What is the purpose of Ji-li's mom writing a letter to the Municipal Party Committee? 

She hopes they will stop the mistreatment and illegal behavior happening with the rebels at the theater group. 


After talking with Teacher Zhang, Ji-li participates in the exhibition because their conversation convinces her she is  __________.

brave enough or capable enough to overcome the difficulties of her childhood and family background. 


How does Ji-li’s opinion of herself change throughout the passage “An Educable Child,” paragraphs 29–57? 

She gradually develops more confidence in herself and her abilities. She becomes determined not to let her family Background stop her form participating in the Cultural Revolution and the Exhibition. 


Read this sentence from paragraph 33.

“Every student here today was handpicked for

both academic and political excellence.”

What does the speaker mean by the term

“political excellence”?

Loyalty to the communist party


Passage: Red Scarf Girl, “An Educable Child,”

paragraphs 29–57

Which of the following provides the MOST accurate

summary of this passage?

A. Teacher Zhang nominates Ji-li to participate in the

Class Education Exhibition. Ji-li tries to convince

him to choose another student. He convinces her

that she can face her challenges with bravery.

B.  Chairman Jin makes a speech about the purpose

of the Class Education Exhibition. He warns

students not to participate if their family has

a bad class status. Ji-li leaves the auditorium

feeling ashamed.

C. Ji-li tries to hide her personal file from Teacher

Zhang so that she can participate in the

Class Education Exhibition with Chairman Jin.

Teacher Zhang tells her she must strive to be an

“educable child” like Yin Lan-lan and Du Hai.


A. Teacher Zhang nominates Ji-li to participate in the

Class Education Exhibition. Ji-li tries to convince

him to choose another student. He convinces her

that she can face her challenges with bravery.


What is the  importance of  Little White's litter box? 

It is where Ji-li hides the letter.


What big decision does Ji-li make that cost her, her part in the exhibition?  

She will not testify against her father in a public struggle meeting. 


How has Ji-li's perspective as an adult changed about the Cultural Revolution? 

She understands that she and the people of China where brainwashed and manipulated by Chairman Mao. 


During her conversation with Teacher Zhang in

paragraphs 53–54, Ji-li says that she “felt an older

brother’s sincerity and trust in his look.” What does

this quote allow you to infer about Teacher Zhang?

Teacher Zhang is kind and means what he said. He believes in Ji-li and thinks she has talent.  


In paragraph 53, Teacher Zhang tells Ji-li that she

is an “educable child.” What does he mean by this statement?

She can choose her own future and overcome her problems.


Explain the purpose of the epilogue? 

To tell the reader why some many people went along with the Cultural Revolution even when they knew things were wrong.