School Expectations
Classroom Routines
Classmate Trivia
Unit 1 - Things We Will Learn
RANDOM Social Studies Trivia

Days that after school detention falls on

What is Tuesdays & Thursdays


The supplies that are needed for social studies.

What is a binder and dividers?


this student likes roblox and thinks it’s the best game in the world!

Who is Jensky?


The longest river in North America

What is the Mississippi River?


The capital of the United States

What is Washington, DC


The times that you are allowed to go to your locker during the day

What is: homeroom in the AM, homeroom in the PM, and between periods 4 & 5


The color for each grade level in Ms. Braun’s class.

What is: 6th: purple, 7th: blue, 8th: red?


This student enjoys fishing with friends

Who is Darrien?


The largest freshwater lake in North America (and in the world by surface area)

What is Lake Superior?


The Ancient Civilization that built the pyramids of Giza.

Who is the Egyptians


You can absolutely never eat in the classroom, true or false - explain

What is False, you may eat during 5th period at the beginning of class


How you know that you are allowed to grab your computer for Ms. Braun’s class (2 answers to get all 300 points)

What is: Ms. Braun says & the computer icon is on the welcome board


This student likes aviation (science of aircrafts)

Who is Nasir


The highest peak in North America

What is Denali (in Alaska)


The person who wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


5 of the 8 things that I listed as things you should NOT wear according to dress code

What is : (1) Hoodies (2) Crocs (3) shoes without backs (4) belly shirts (5) short shorts/skirts (6) non-collared tees (7) jeans (8) bike shorts


The late work policy in Ms. Braun’s class

What is: things can be turned in up to 2 weeks past the deadline. A form must be filled out for the assignment to be graded.


This student has won 2 tournaments and has 2 trophies

Who is Ray?


The name of the flat, treeless Arctic region found in the northernmost part of Canada and Alaska.

The Tundra


The document, signed in 1215, that limited the power of the English king and is often seen as an early step toward constitutional government.

What is the Magna Carta


The names of the counselors that you can go to since Ms. G is gone

Who is Mr. Hausmann & Mr. Ungar


The amount of names that will be pulled for raffles based on marbles (4 answers) (less than 3 marbles, 3 marbles, 4 marbles, 5 marbles)

What is (less than 3 marbles = no raffle, 3 marbles = 5 names, 4 marbles = 10 names, 5 marbles = 15 names)


This student speaks Chinese

Who is Zhenni?


The name of the fault line that runs through California and is responsible for much of the state's seismic activity.

What is The San Andreas Fault


The Chinese dynasty, ruling from the 14th to the 17th century, is credited with constructing much of the Great Wall of China and overseeing a flourishing of Chinese culture, including the voyages of Admiral Zheng He

What is the Ming Dynasty