How far apart should your feet be to maintain a broad base of support?
8-10 inches
What does it mean if someone has Tachycardia?
It means that they have a fast heart rate?
True or False
Euthanasia is an Ethic dilemma
What is an example of malpractice?
Assault, False imprisonment, battery, and negligence
People with weak immune systems are susceptible hosts for infection? True or False
What are the three components to start a fire?
Heat, Oxygen, Fuel
True or False
You can find the vadial pulse using 2 fingers by finding the radius bone on the thumb side of the wrist?
What is the vocabulary term for "newly arrived adopting ways of new culture".
Cultural Assimilation
What is urgent care used for?
Care for an illness, injury or condition serious enough that a reasonable person would seek care right away?
What infections agent normally live in multiples?
What does R.A.C.E stand for?
R- Remove
A- Alarm
C- Confine
E- Exstingush/Evacute
What are the 5 vital signs in healthcare?
Blood pressure, Temperature, Pulse, Oxygen Saturation, and Respiration.
What is the definition of ethics?
True or False
A contract is a spoken agreement between an insurance company and the policyholder?
This element of the chain of infections is the mode by which the pathogen leaves its host to spread to others?
What is portal of exit
What type of fires do a class B fire extinguisher put out?
Fires that contain flammable liquids such as alcohol, oil, or gasoline.
What is the first sound called that you hear when taking blood pressure?
Systolic Pressure
In a patriarchy the _____ is the head of the family.
What is a durable power of Attorney?
A document which allows another individual to make their medical decisions for them if they become unable to.
What is one simple action is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infection?
Washing hands
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective/Protection Equipment
What is the least accurate location for taking a temperature?
Axillary (armpit)
What are 3 basic principals of healthcare
Save lives and promote health
Patient comfort
Respect a patient’s right to die peacefully and with dignity
Treat all patients equally
Provide the best care possible for every patient
Maintain competent skills and knowledge
Stay up-to-date and pursue continuing education
Respect rules of confidentiality
Refrain from immoral, unethical and illegal practices
What is a requirement with privileged communications?
All information from a patient must be kept confidential.
This type of transmission occurs when the pathogens are spread through tiny droplets that are expelled when an infected person coughs or sneezes?
What is droplet transmission