Syllable Splits (V/CV)
Identifying V/VC Words
V/CV Words With Two Syllables
V/CV Syllables in Context
V/CV Words That Can Be Mispronounced

What is the syllable division for the word "sunshine"?

"sun-shine" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


Which of these words follows the V/CV pattern?
A) garden
B) grape
C) basket

B) grape – "grape" has a V/CV pattern.


How is the word "pencil" divided into syllables?

"pen-cil" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


In the sentence, "I went to the pencil store," how is the word "pencil" divided into syllables?

"pen-cil" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


How would you pronounce the word "robot" with a V/CV syllable pattern?

"ro-bot" – "ro" as in "row" and "bot" as in "bought."


How would you divide the word "candle" into syllables?

"can-dle" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


Which word is divided into syllables with a V/CV pattern?
A) parrot
B) butterfly
C) pilot

C) pilot – "pi-lot" follows the V/CV pattern.


Which of these words has a V/CV syllable division?
A) happy
B) bottle
C) winter

C) winter – "win-ter"


In the sentence, "The rabbit hopped across the field," how would you divide the word "rabbit" into syllables?

"rab-bit" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


Which syllable in the word "candle" has the long vowel sound?

The first syllable "can" has the short "a," and the second syllable "dle" has a silent "e," making the "a" sound short.


Which of these words has a V/CV syllable division?
A) napkin
B) pencil
C) butter

A) napkin – "nap-kin"


Which word has a V/CV syllable pattern and one consonant between the vowels?
A) helmet
B) music
C) credit

B) music – "mu-sic" follows the V/CV pattern.


How do you divide the word "dinner"?

"din-ner" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


In the sentence, "She wore a ribbon around her neck," how is the word "ribbon" divided into syllables?

"rib-bon" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


In the word "pilot," which syllable is stressed?

The first syllable "pi" is stressed in "pi-lot."


How do you split the word "tiger" into syllables?

"ti-ger" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


Which word follows the V/CV pattern:
A) tomorrow
B) letter
C) rabbit

C) rabbit – "rab-bit" follows the V/CV pattern.


Which word is divided like this: "ta-ble"?
A) table
B) candle
C) puzzle

A) table – "ta-ble"


In the sentence, "He ran with his pocket full of coins," how would you divide the word "pocket"?

"pock-et" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


How is the word "credit" divided into syllables, and what is its vowel sound?

"cred-it" – The "e" in the first syllable is short, and the "i" in the second syllable is short.


What is the syllable division for the word "basic"?

"ba-sic" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


Which of these words follows the V/CV pattern?
A) doctor
B) window
C) camel

C) camel – "ca-mel" follows the V/CV pattern.


What is the syllable division for the word "basic"?

"ba-sic" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


In the sentence, "They ate lunch in the garden," how is the word "garden" divided into syllables?

"gar-den" – It follows the V/CV pattern.


How would you pronounce the word "silent" if it follows the V/CV pattern?

"si-lent" – The first syllable "si" has a short "i" sound, and the second syllable "lent" has a short "e" sound.