Understanding Issues and Concepts in Healthcare
: Planning and Organizing Work (
Contributing to a harmonious and efficient work environment
Complying with Infection control policies and procedures in health work

1. Which of the following is NOT an essential tip to effective communication?

A. Let yourself finish listening before you begin to speak.

B. Listen for everything because the main ideas are brief.

C. Let the speaker finish talking before you begin to talk.

D. Focus and give your full attention to the speaker.

B. Listen for everything because the main ideas are brief.


Which of the following statements form part of the definition of health by WHO?

A. Complete physical, mental or social wellbeing and not the absence of illness or infirmity

B. Complete physical, mental or emotional wellbeing and not the absence of disease or


C. A state of complete physical, spiritual or economic wellbeing and not the absence of disease

or infirmity

D. A state of complete physical, mental or social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

D. A state of complete physical, mental or social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity


9. What are the MOST appropriate actions the Healthcare Assistant should take after administering a bed bath to patients?

  1. Dispose of soil linen in an appropriate bag
  2. Disinfect and sanitize surfaces of trollies used
  3. Clean and replace used bedpans or urinals
  4. Document the bed bath procedure in the ward notes.

A. 1 and 2

B. 2 and 3

 C. 1, 2 and 3

 D. 1, 2 and 4

C. 1, 2 and 3


13. A patient tells you that he has difficulty making a fist because his hand feels weak. He did not mention this to the nurse on duty. What is the BEST action the healthcare assistant should take?

  1. Inform the nurse immediately.
  2. Inform the doctor during ward round.
  3. Inform the patient to tell the nurse herself.
  4. Inform your healthcare assistant colleague.

A. Inform the nurse immediately.


17. Protective clothing and equipment include ALL the following EXCEPT:

  1. gowns and waterproof aprons
  2. examination and surgical gloves
  3. glasses, goggles and face-shields
  4. D. surgical face masks and slippers
  • D. surgical face masks and slippers

2. Which of the following situations does NOT show the importance of listening in the work


A. Showing attention and understanding at meetings

B. Being able to carry out directions from your boss

C. Being able to create a professional presentation

D. Knowing what your customers want

C. Being able to create a professional presentation


Characteristics of a helping relationship include the following EXCEPT:

A. Good communication skills and lack of interest in the client’s welfare.

B. Is based on mutual trust, respect, and acceptance.

C. Respects patient’s confidentiality.

D. Focuses on the client well-being.

A. Good communication skills and lack of interest in the client’s welfare


What is the PRIORITY goal in managing a STROKE patient who has difficulty walking?

A. Prevent falls.

B. Monitor his diet.

C. Observe his gait.

D. Maintain a clean environment.

A. Prevent falls.


14. The healthcare assistant gives physical care and emotional support to patients under the direct supervision of the

  1. Registered Nurse
  2. Consultant Physician
  3. Patients significant other
  4. Ancillary staff supervisor.

A. Registered Nurse


18. What are the common causes of infections:

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Viruses
  4. Cough

A. 1 and 2

B. 1, 2 and 3

C. 1, 3 and 4

D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

B. 1, 2 and 3


3. While working in the Golden age home, a Healthcare Assistant received a phone call

enquiring about an elderly patient’s condition on your ward. What is the BEST action s/he

should take?

A. Inform the caller that she is not allowed to disclose the patient’s information.

B. Request for the caller to contact the ward sister for further information.

C. Collect the caller’s details and then answer their questions about the patient.

D. Document in the patient’s notes of the phone call received.

A. Inform the caller that she is not allowed to disclose the patient’s information.


7. While performing care for Mr Rose, a patient on the geriatric ward, Mr Rose informs you that his blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg in the morning. From your knowledge of the nursing process, this information would be considered as:

A. Objective observation

B. Subjective observation

C. Projective observation

D. Proactive observation

B. Subjective observation


11. What are the five rights related to delegations? task circumstances person direction communication supervision

A. Task, circumstances, person, directions and supervision

B. Person, directions, route, supervision and task.

C. Circumstances, task, person, supervision and route.

D. Supervision, circumstances, tasks, person and competence.

A. Task, circumstances, person, directions and supervision


15. Factors that contribute to a harmonious work environment include all of the following EXCEPT: 

  1. Engaging inappropriately in a discussion about colleagues
  2. Adhering to Unit’s policies, procedures and industry codes
  3. Facilitating open communication with your work colleagues
  4. Listening carefully and offer assistance to your colleagues

A. Engaging inappropriately in a discussion about colleagues


19. What is the SAFEST way of disposing of sharps on the ward?

Place in:

A. the ward waste

B. a cardboard box

C. bin by the patient’s bed

D. a puncture-proof container

D. a puncture-proof container


4. Verbal communication includes

A. reading reports

B. talking and listening

C. facial expression

D. using a fax machine

B. talking and listening


8. An elderly patient at the Golden Age home has Hypertension. Hypertension is a condition that affects which system of the body?

A. Circulatory

B. Urinary

C. Respiratory

D. Reproductive

A. Circulatory


12. You are a Healthcare Assistant working at the Kinston Hospital, and Nurse Hazel is the only Registered Nurse on duty. Nurse Hazel has requested your assistance in medicating the patients. What is the BEST action the healthcare assistant should take? 

  1. Serve the medication as requested and record it in patients’ notes.
  2. Serve the medication and then write a report on what she did
  3. Inform the registered nurse it is out of her scope to give medicines
  4. Request the patient to self-administer medicate with her help.

C. Inform the registered nurse it is out of her scope to give medicines


16. When working with a patient with hearing impairment, you should

A. Talk louder

B. Speak very slowly

C. Avoid speaking if possible

D. Obtain patient’s attention before speaking

D. Obtain patient’s attention before speaking


20. Infectious waste is BEST described as anything contaminated with human:

A. blood, body fluids, tissue and waste products

B. pus, faeces, influenza and lice

C. urine, vomit, saliva, hair follicles

D. waste products, blood, tissue and dyspnea

A. blood, body fluids, tissue and waste products


21. Which of the following is NOT considered as clinical waste?

A. Human Tissues

B. Discarded sharps

C. General waste

D. Laboratory waste

C. General waste