Wild life
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This large black-and-white bear from China is known for its diet of bamboo.

What is a Panda?


This man-made structure is visible from space and runs across northern China

What is the Great wall of China?


This actor slapped Chris Rock on stage during the 94th Academy Awards on March 27, 2022? 

Who is Will Smith?


This is the genre of music performed by artists like Eminem, Kanye West, and 50 Cent.

What is Rap?


This video game character is known for his super speed and his quest to collect gold rings while battling the villain Dr. Robotnik.

What is Sonic the Hedgehog?


This bird, with a white head and yellow beak, is the national symbol of the United States.

What is a bald Eagle?


This man-made waterway, opened in 1869, connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and is a crucial route for global trade.

What is the Suez Canal?


This city gave us the first confirmed case of COVID-19 discovered in December 2019

What is Wuhan, China?


This large musical instrument produces a deep, heavy sound and is often featured in jazz music.

What is the Saxophone?


In the game "Among Us," this is the name of the player who tries to sabotage the crew.

What is an imposter?


This bird is famous for its bright pink feathers and often stands on one leg.

What is a Flamingo?


This island nation, located off the southern coast of India, was formerly known as Ceylon.

What is Sri Lanka?


This European country went through reunification in 1990 between its East and West parts.

What is Germany?


This four-member band from Liverpool is famous for songs like "Here Comes the Sun" and "Hey Jude."

Who are the Beatles?


The kind of bear can you bite, but it can't bite you.

What is a Gummy Bear?


Known as the fastest animal on land, this big cat can run at speeds up to 75 mph.

What is a Cheetah?


It is the country where you find Machu Picchu, a famous Wonder of the World, located.

What is the Peru?


This empire, which lasted over 600 years, was centered in modern-day Turkey and collapsed after World War I.

What is the Ottoman Empire?


This American singer, known as the "King of Rock and Roll," was famous for hits like "Jailhouse Rock" and "Hound Dog."

Who is Elvis Presley?


This spice, derived from the bark of a tree, is known for its aromatic flavor and is often used in baking and cooking.

What is Cinnamon?


This plant can grow more than 3 feet in 24 hours, making it the fastest-growing plant on Earth.

What is bamboo?


The name of the deepest part of the Earth’s oceans, located in the western Pacific 

What is the Marianna Trench?


This nuclear accident in 1986 is considered the worst in history, releasing massive amounts of radiation in Ukraine.

What is the Chernobyl Disaster?


There are this many major scales in piano music.

What is 12?


The kind of room which has no doors or windows.

What is a Mushroom?