The First Americans
Native American Homes
Sign Language
Native Americans' Game
Native American Today

Who came to North America 500 years ago

Explorers came to North America 500 years ago


How many groups of Native Americans were there when the European explorers first came?

There was 300 groups of Native Americans

Did Native Americans speak only one language. True or False

False. They spoke different languages.


What were some of the games Native American children played that are similar to today?

Native American children played games like hockey and football.


What happened to the lands of Native Americans when explorers came to America.

The lands of Native Americans were gone after the explorers came.

What did explorers traveled for a long time on?

Explorers traveled on ships for a long time


In the east what did Native Americans do?

Native Americans hunted and grew crops


Which Native Americans made up the sign language.

The Native Americans who lived on the Great Plains made up a sign language.

What did Native Americans played their games with.

Native American children played their games with sticks and balls.


What did laws keep Native Americans from having?

Laws kept Native Americans from having the same rights as other Americans.


What did explorers thought they were in when they got to land

The land the explorers thought when they got there was the Indies.


In the east what were the houses made of?

Houses were made of wood and bark.


Why was the sign language made up.

The sign language helped groups understand each other.


What were the sticks made out of.

Native Americans used sticks from branches of trees to hit the balls.

Do Native Americans have the same rights as Americans today?

Yes, Native Americans have the same rights as Americans today.


What did the explorers thought the people in the Indies were called.

Explorers thought the people in the Indies were called Indians.


Where did the Native Americans who lived on the Great Plains live in and why?

On the great plains Native Americans lived in tents that could be moved quickly so they can follow the buffalo they hunted.

How did the Native Americans say hello in sign language.

Hold your hand up with the palm out and move your hand in a circle.


What were the balls made out of?

Native Americans used balls made of wood, stone, animal skins, and bark from trees.

How much more Native Americans are there today than they was in 1900?

Today there are more than four times as many Native Americans as there were in 1900.


The people who first lived in America are now called

Native Americans were the first people who lived in America.

Native Americans in the southwest fished and cut down trees to make houses and boats. Is this true?

No that was in the northwest. In the southwest they made houses out of clay, sand, and straw.


How do Native Americans say thank you in sign language.

Keep the palms of both hands and move your hands down low.


Why did Native American children have to be careful when they played games?

They had to be careful when they played games in boats because they could fall into the water.


What are Native Americans working hard to do?

Native Americans are working hard to keep alive the stories and ways of their groups.