What are the three basic obligations a husband owes his wife?
Food (mezonos), clothing (kesus), and conjugal relations (onah).
Q: What is the meaning of the term Onah?
A: The husband’s obligation to provide intimate relations to his wife.
If a man has enough money for a slave, but doesn't have one because he believes in equal rights, does his wife have to do the 7 things said in the Mishna?
Only the 3 she has to do with a slave.
Even tho there is no real slave in the house, he could afford one, so she doesn't have to work
How was R Yosef greeted by his father when he wanted to go home after 3 years?
With a sword
Name 6 of the 7 things a woman must do for her husband
Grind, Bake, cook, laundry, make bed, Nurse the child, spin wool.
Q: What profession allows for Onah once a week?
A: A donkey driver (chamar).
Q: How often does a camel driver (gamal) have Onah obligations?
Once in 30 days
Which clothes can a woman take with her if she is rebellious?
Only what she has on her
What are 2 stories about Amoraim being very strong
When the stairs collapsed and he pulled both slaves up.
When the bathhouse collapsed and he saved his slaves from a pillar
What does the Mishna mean when it says she is a "Moredes" (rebellious)
Machlokes, won't sleep with him, or won't do the 7 jobs of a wife
Q: What is the Onah obligation for a sailor?
Once every six months.
Q: Which profession allows for daily Onah?
A husband who works locally/is retired
What do we do to a woman who is rebelling to her husband according to the Rabanan?
Announce in Shul what she is doing and embarrass her.
Say the story of R' Akiva with all the details
She married him, Her father swears to never support her, he leaves for 12 years, comes back with 12,000 students, overhears his wife saying "he should do 12 more" Does 12 more comes back with 24,000 students. wife comes, they think she's crazy, he says "her wisdom is greater than all of yours" Father in law comes and asks to get rid of oath, he says would you make it if I was so smart? then his daughter did the same for Ben Azzai
What happens if a husband neglects these obligations?
The Beis Din can compel him, or she may request a divorce with full payment of the kesubah.
Q: What is the Onah frequency for Torah scholars (talmidei chachamim)?
Once a week, typically on Shabbos
When can the husband not fulfill his Onah obligations?
When she is a Niddah
Who is the halacha like, in our mishna. T"K R' Yehuda, or Rabanan?
Machlokes Rava and R' Nachman
What is a story that shows how the son doesn't fall from the tree?
Story of R' Oshiya father sent a message home and didn't recognize his son
Why can a wife not tell her husband "I will not sleep with you" even if she is a Niddah and cannot be with him anyway?
"Because you cannot compare someone who has bread in his basket to one who doesn't"
Choice vs. Forced
Q: What happens if a husband neglects his Onah obligation?
A: His wife can petition the Beis Din, and it can be grounds for divorce. Additionally, he owes her 3 Dinar each week he neglects her
Why can a sailor who is allowed to leave home for 6 months, still not be married to his wife for even one week if he says he will not sleep with her?
"Because you cannot compare someone who has bread in his basket to one who doesn't"
Choice vs. Forced
Why could R' Chananya not go home?
He was away so long he forgot where he lived?