what is concierge service
what is to go beyond the 'transaction' and ensuring each interaction with our member , we are helping our member further, to eliminate future calls, contribute to the member expereicne and ensure our senior members are confident in their interactions with us.”
Frontline Communications
what is customer experience alert
Federal health insurance program for people who are age 65 or older
What is Special Enrollment Period
A PCP will perform routine or basic care and will coordinate the rest of covered services for our members
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what is service marketplace
Part B
covers certain doctors' services, outpatient care, medical supplies, and preventive services
Initial Enrollment Period
what is 7 months
Oe Knowledge base
what is AEP knowledge base
Medical Group/Ipa
what is contract with groups of doctors to provide health care for our memebers. These groups of doctors are called Medical Groups OR IPAs (Independent Practice Association.)
important phone numbers
what is senior markets customer care
what is knowledge base
resource for call work flow
what is late enrollment Penalty
what is moving from one insurance carrier to another,
Standard Retroactive Change
What is Requests Received after the 15th of the month and are effective there first day of the following month
ask with genuine curiosity
what is empathy
Part A
what is inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care
Extra Help
What is a federal program that helps pay for some to most of the out-of-pocket costs of Medicare prescription drug
What is Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period from January 1 – March 31
Original Pcp Effective date
what is eligibility segment
Polaris Approach
what is handling the call based on the caller’s needs and expectations
Part C
what is as Medicare Advantage and is an all-in-one alternative as it bundles Part A, Part B, and Part D
CMS call
what is surveillance calls CMS randomly conducts surveillance calls throughout the year, and we have to be ready for them.
what is The process of ending an enrollment prior to the effective date.
Terminating Current PCP
What is Update