when can you start lighting the candles
at sunset
when can you start to light on shabbat
a few minutes before sunset
how long do the candles have to burn
30 miniutes
what are the 4 letters on the dreidel
whens the latest you can light the candles
until the sellers go home from the market
do you light the shabbat candles or the menorah first
what do you do if they go out to early naturally
if its natural you fulfilled the mitzvah and don't relight them
how long was the oil supposed to last
1 day
why cant you light the candles after everyone goes home
because then there's no one to see the candles
why do we light the menorah first
because if you light the shabbat candles first you will be in shabbat and cant kindle a flame
what do you do if the candles go out naturally on shabbat
you don't relight because shabbat is more important and they went out for natural reasons
why do we eat fried food
to remind us of the oil
What type of danger is the גמרא talking about
if it's a time when u cant light a menorah
do you do havdalah or light the menorah first
what do you do if the candles go out to early because someone blow them out
you relight them
do we light one more candle each night or one less
on more
how do we judge this today
you can light up to half an hour past the set time if no one is there but if someone is than the timing is more linient
why do we do havdalah first
until we do havdalah we are still in shabbat and cant light the menorah
what do you do if someone blows your candles out on shabbat before the time is up
you don't relight them because shabbat is more important
who's custom do we follow: Beit Hillel or Beit Shamai
Beit Hillel