Miss Pollock
Concepts + Research
Continuity and Change
Belief System
Conformity and Non Conformity

Where did Miss Pollock and Miss Kisina Meet 

at work - Lollipops playland 


List the 5 fundamental concepts 

time, society, culture, enviroment and persons


How has urbanisation contributed to social change in China

Rapid urban growth has led to changes in family structure and employment. Aswell as the rural to urban movement and destroying of traditions and customs in rural areas. 


How many characteristics are there when defining totalarian rule and ideology 


Two type of conformity are 

normative and informative 

Name two concerts/shows Miss Pollock has attended this year

Eras Tour, Hamilton, Mamma Mia, Mary Poppins, &UJuliet, The Ballet road show, Charlottes passport play 


The shared knowledge, values, customs, and physical objects that define a group of people - is the defintion of which concept 



___________ values continue to influence Chinese family and social hierarchy. 



Which 20th-century leader is often associated with the rise of totalitarianism in Germany

Adolf Hitler


Which psychological theory explains the influence of group pressure on individual behavior in conformity?

Asch's Conformity Theory (Line test) 


What was my goal at the start of the year? And Identify 2 ways I have no stuck to it 

be all natural 

got my hair done

fake tan 


Name three key concepts that are central to understanding social and culture research in the Society and Culture syllabus

ethics, bias, validility, reliability, secondary, primary, quantative, qualitative 


Name 3 Policies in China (50 points each) and their Dates (50 points each) 

  • One Child Policy:
    Introduced: 1979
    The policy was implemented to control population growth and was officially phased out in 2015.

  • Two Child Policy:
    Introduced: 2016
    After the end of the One Child Policy, couples were allowed to have two children to address an aging population.

  • Open Door Policy:
    Introduced: 1978
    Initiated by Deng Xiaoping, this policy aimed to open China's economy to foreign trade and investment, promoting economic growth.

  • Social Credit Policy (often referred to as the "Social Credit System"):
    Introduced: Pilot programs began in 2014
    The system is designed to assess individuals' and companies' trustworthiness based on their behavior, with plans for full implementation still ongoing.


Name 3 belief systems and 3 ideologies  (50 moints each) 

BS - Christainity, Islam, Buddishm 

Ideology - Feminism, Totalarianism, enviromentalism. 


What number question is this in the exam> 

14 a + b

What is my favoruite NRL Team? 

Penrith Panthers 


What does "acculturation" refer to

the exchange of cultural features between groups.


What are the 4 Social theories and the names of the theorist 

Evolutionary theory - Charles Darwin
 This theory applies the principles of biological evolution to social development. Spencer believed that societies evolve from simple to more complex forms through a process of "natural selection," where only the fittest social structures survive over time. He coined the phrase "survival of the fittest" to describe this social evolution

Interactionist - George Herbert Mead
This theory emphasizes the importance of symbols and language in human interaction and how individuals shape society through personal interactions.

Conflict Theory -  Karl Marx
This Theory focuses on the power struggles between different social classes and argues that societal structures are driven by inequalities.  

Functionalist -  Emile Durkheim
 This theory views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote stability and social order


What is the core value and purpose of totalarianism 

Individual freedoms are often suppressed for the sake of state control and unity.


Name 4 events that impacted the historical and social development of the survivalist movement

  • The Cold War Era (1947-1991):
    The pervasive fear of nuclear war and societal collapse during this time led many to adopt survivalist ideologies, focusing on self-sufficiency and preparedness.

  • The 1970s Energy Crisis:
    The oil embargo and energy shortages heightened awareness of the fragility of modern life, prompting interest in self-sufficient living and survival skills.

  • The Waco Siege (1993):
    The confrontation between federal authorities and the Branch Davidians highlighted anti-government sentiments and fueled beliefs that individuals must prepare for government overreach.

  • The Y2K Scare (Late 1990s):
    The widespread fear of technological failure at the turn of the millennium led to a surge in survivalist preparations, as many stockpiled supplies in anticipation of potential chaos.

  • Hurricane Katrina (2005):
    The devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina revealed significant flaws in government disaster response and emergency management, prompting many to believe that self-reliance and preparedness were crucial for survival during crises.


Why did I choose to be a society and culture teacher  - list 5 reasons (100 points each) 

- inspired by ahn Do 

- inspired by my own S+C teacher
- scholarship to do sociology or pyschology at uni but didnt want to do the math
- Miss Kisina was doing teaching so I thought I would too
- I loved S+C in school - it changed my life 


Part A  - 250 What does "triangulation" in research mean ? Depict in an image 

Part B - Why do we trianuglate our research? 

Using multiple methods to validate findings.


__________________ is a combination of legislative actions and technological measures implemented by the Chinese government to regulate and control internet access within China. It is part of China's broader internet censorship system, which restricts access to foreign websites, social media platforms, and information deemed sensitive or inappropriate by the government.

Chinese FireWall 


List all the additional concepts for this unit (100 points per correct one) 

  • Resistance:

    • Actions taken by individuals or groups to oppose and challenge totalitarian control.
  • Propaganda:

    • Information, especially biased or misleading, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view.
  • Censorship:

    • The suppression of speech, public communication, or other information that may be considered objectionable or harmful.
  • Nationalism:

    • A political ideology that emphasizes the interests and culture of a particular nation, often linked to totalitarian regimes.
  • Human Rights:

    • The basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person, often suppressed under totalitarian regimes.

List all 5 of the related concepts from the glossary for this particular unit. 

  • Socialisation:

    • The process through which individuals learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of their culture.
  • Authority:

    • The power or right to enforce rules, give orders, and make decisions, often influencing conformity.
  • Peer Pressure:

    • The influence exerted by a peer group encouraging individuals to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors to fit in.
  • Group Dynamics:

    • The study of how individuals behave in groups, including how conformity and non-conformity manifest within group interactions.
  • Identity:

    • How conformity or non-conformity shapes an individual's sense of self and their relationship to societal norms