
A DNA analysis of four Stone Age humans in Europe reveals how farmers migrated north from the Mediterranean and eventually (b   ) with hunter-gatherers. The study, (c   ) by a team of Swedish and Danish researchers and published in the U.S. journal Science, (s   ) light on how agriculture that (o   ) in the Middle East about 11,000 years ago reached most of continental Europe around 5,000 years ago.

A DNA analysis of four Stone Age humans in Europe reveals how farmers migrated north from the Mediterranean and eventually (bred) with hunter-gatherers. The study, (conducted) by a team of Swedish and Danish researchers and published in the U.S. journal Science, (sheds) light on how agriculture that (originated) in the Middle East about 11,000 years ago reached most of continental Europe around 5,000 years ago.



It is important to reassess your life and career relatively (f   ). This self-assessment process forces you to (c   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) the fact that sometimes it's time to move on to a new environment in order to excel.

It is important to reassess your life and career relatively (frequently). This self-assessment process forces you to (come) (to) (terms) (with) the fact that sometimes it's time to move on to a new environment in order to excel.



How am I going to survive that place when she's gone? The remembrance of her imminent (d   ) torments my old body (   ) (g   ).

How am I going to survive that place when she's gone? The remembrance of her imminent (departure) torments my old body (with) (grief).


💗💗They wouldn’t have both fit in a single cage, and to (s   ) the pair would have been cruel. To put them in with the younger, more territorial cats would have been just (   )  cruel considering (   ) shy Luther was. The woman in (   ) (   ) the shelter thought they’d be (   ) off sharing space with cats recovering from injuries or who needed (m   ) or specialized diets.

They wouldn’t have both fit in a single cage, and to (separate) the pair would have been cruel. To put them in with the younger, more territorial cats would have been just (as) cruel considering (how) shy Luther was. The woman in (charge) (of) the shelter thought they’d be (better) off sharing space with cats recovering from injuries or who needed (medication) or specialized diets.


👹👹Such reporting has even (r   ) (   ) discussions in the German Parliament, where some have (c   ) (   ) these items of clothing to be banned outright. Regarding such issues, (   ) can be discussed that in both historical and contemporary contexts, the media are partly (r   ) for such judgments, and the cases mentioned above are good examples of how the media (l   ) and judge based on opinion and not (h   ) evidence.

Such reporting has even (resulted) (in) discussions in the German Parliament, where some have (called) (for) these items of clothing to be banned outright. Regarding such issues, (it) can be discussed that in both historical and contemporary contexts, the media are partly (responsible) for such judgments, and the cases mentioned above are good examples of how the media (label) and judge based on opinion and not (hard) evidence.


“Our success (   ) carrying (   ) this study depended on (a   ) to good material, modern laboratory methods and a high level of analytical (e   ).” The researchers could (i   ) the farmers by their tombs made with huge elevated stones and the hunter-gatherers by their flat-bed grave sites.

“Our success (in) carrying (out) this study depended on (access) to good material, modern laboratory methods and a high level of analytical (expertise).” The researchers could (identify) the farmers by their tombs made with huge elevated stones and the hunter-gatherers by their flat-bed grave sites.


👹👹👹👹空欄を埋めて [2018東京医科歯科大・前期]

Historically, when humans have sought a reliable source of calories ― particularly one that can be readily nabbed from an unsuspecting animal with minimal exertion and zero horticulture skills ― we have often (   ) to egg.

we have often (turned) to egg.


適語を選んで。 [2020青山学院大・教育]

Recently Mr Takahara becomes (      ) to smartphone games. He sometimes forgets to eat or sleep.

①  unique    ②  related    

③  addicted    ④  indifferent

③  addicted


Miriam (   ) she could, but the rent-controlled apartment complex she’d moved into with her husband after the last of their children left home (   ) allow pets. Roy had been (   ) nearly six years now, and the place still seemed too large and empty without him. Lulabell and Luther (   ) (   ) helped (   ) that, but rules were rules.

Miriam (wished) she could, but the rent-controlled apartment complex she’d moved into with her husband after the last of their children left home (didn't) allow pets. Roy had been (gone) nearly six years now, and the place still seemed too large and empty without him. Lulabell and Luther (would) (have) helped (with) that, but rules were rules.


👹👹Our question here is, why stereotype? How does simple stereotyping (   ) with a deeper understanding of a social group or situation? From a media (p   ), this kind of categorization of various social groups is an important tool to (i   ) an audience in a limited and restricted amount of time. In addition, media production (    ) a complex array of factors ranging from the production process, the commercial aspect, and the (r   ) of the stories. More importantly, however, this trend could also be linked to the (l   ) of (   ) social representation within the media industry.

Our question here is, why stereotype? How does simple stereotyping (help) with a deeper understanding of a social group or situation? From a media (perspective), this kind of categorization of various social groups is an important tool to (inform) an audience in a limited and restricted amount of time. In addition, media production (involves) a complex array of factors ranging from the production process, the commercial aspect, and the (relevance) of the stories. More importantly, however, this trend could also be linked to the (lack) of (diverse) social representation within the media industry.



Human beings like stories. Our brains have a natural (a   ) not only for enjoying (n   ) and learning from them but also for creating them.

Human beings like stories. Our brains have a natural (affinity) not only for enjoying (narratives) and learning from them but also for creating them.



How come so few first-years participated?



「イルカはまた、感情を処理するための極めて発達した明確な後頭葉システムを持っている。一つの仮説は、イルカの群れの中に存在する親密な社会的・感情的絆には、このシステムが不可欠なのではないかというものだ。」Dolphins also have an extremely well developed and defined paralimbic system for processing emotions. One (h   ) is that it may be (e   ) to the (i   ) social and emotional bonds that exist within dolphin communities.

Dolphins also have an extremely well developed and defined paralimbic system for processing emotions. One (hypothesis) is that it may be (essential) to the (intimate) social and emotional bonds that exist within dolphin communities.


Luther and Lulabell were brother and sister. They’d been (b   ) to the shelter six months ago when their first and only owner went into assisted care. Luckily for the two, the shelter didn’t (p   ) an expiration date (   ) their (   ), but the change in circumstances had been a shock to the twelve-year-old cats. It had taken Miriam nearly a month to do everything to make Luther, the shyest of the two, (   ) the safety of his hidey-hole.

Luther and Lulabell were brother and sister. They’d been (brought) to the shelter six months ago when their first and only owner went into assisted care. Luckily for the two, the shelter didn’t (place) an expiration date (on) their (charges), but the change in circumstances had been a shock to the twelve-year-old cats. It had taken Miriam nearly a month to do everything to make Luther, the shyest of the two, (leave) the safety of his hidey-hole.


👹👹There is no (c   ) proof that German Muslim women are ‘(u   ), and secretive’, and while there is no hard evidence to support this notion, the German Parliament’s discussions regarding the banning of religious clothing, for example, promote a dangerous (n   ). Such stereotyping could (   ) female Muslims at increased risk from social neglect or even, (   ) has been seen in other countries, violence and (p   ). All forms of media must (a   ) these issues, and there needs to be a thorough review from the ground up regarding (   ) (w   ) that news is (d   ), one that does not discriminate (   ) a social group based on their religious beliefs, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, color, or class.

There is no (concrete) proof that German Muslim women are ‘(untrustworthy), and secretive’, and while there is no hard evidence to support this notion, the German Parliament’s discussions regarding the banning of religious clothing, for example, promote a dangerous (narrative). Such stereotyping could (put) female Muslims at increased risk from social neglect or even, (as) has been seen in other countries, violence and persecution. All forms of media must (address) these issues, and there needs to be a thorough review from the ground up regarding (the) (way) that news is (distributed), one that does not discriminate (against) a social group based on their religious beliefs, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, color, or class.



Why do you think Mr Higashi chose to live in Shinano Town?




What do you think Mr Higashi plans to do this Sunday?



