We had a hard time dealing with Laman and Lemuel
Lehi and Nephi
I raised the title of Liberty
This king tried to kill Alma after be believed the words of Abinadi
Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have ________
2 Nephi 2:25
Faith, Hope and _______
We commanded the Nephite armies at the end of the Book of Mormon
Mormon and Moroni
I led the 2000 Stripling Warriors
Name at least two of the friends of Alma the Younger that were with him at the appearance of the Angel
Ammon, Aaron, Omner and Himni
God will give unto the children of men line upon line, _____ upon _____
2 Nephi 28:30
It is wrong to baptize this group of people
little children
We share a name and both repented of a rebellious past
Alma and Alma
I was asked to lead the Nephite army in my 16th year
The first chief judge of the Nephites
Alma the Younger
When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of _________
your God
Mosiah 2:17
Jesus Christ
Daily Double
We were righteous kings and ushered in the reign of the judges for the Nephite civilization
I was the last warrior standing after the destruction of the people in the Book of Ether
Name one of Alma the Youngers sons
Helaman, Corianton, Shiblon
Wickedness never was _______
Alma 41:10
Charity never _____
Moroni 7:46
We are the brother and nephew of Nephi and both recorded our testimonies in the Book of Mormon
Daily Double
I twice killed a Lamanite king by stabbing them in the heart with a javelin in the secret of the night
The name of the city that Alma and his followers formed after they escaped
Charity is the pure love of _____
Moroni 7:45–48
The sure and confident expectation of receiving what God has promised us in the future