What is the error in the following sentence?
"She likes swimming, hiking, and to bike."
It should be: "She likes swimming, hiking, and biking."
She can sings very well."
Subject-Verb Agreement
She plays tennis every Saturday.
Present Simple Tense
Yes, No, Maybe or Sometimes.
What is my FAVORITE flavor ice cream?
What is wrong with this sentence?
"The dog ran through the park, chasing a ball, and he barked loudly."
The dog ran through the park, chased a ball, and barked loudly."
"I don't need no help with my homework."
Double Negative
I am studying for the test right now.
Present Continuous Tense
Does Ms. Hendy like boba?
How many hats do you think Mr. Benton owns (you can give a range of 5)
Identify the parallel structure error:
"She enjoys reading books, to write stories, and watching movies."
verb form inconsistency (specifically, gerunds vs. infinitives).
"She enjoys reading books, writing stories, and watching movies."
Walking through the park, the rain started to pour."
Dangling Modifier – The modifier "walking through the park" incorrectly seems to describe "the rain," instead of the intended subject "I."
By next year, she will have completed her degree.
Future Perfect
What is Mr. Benton favorite candy?
Any of these answers are acceptable:
Sour Patch Watermelon,
Almond Roca,
Swedish Fish.
Do YOU THINK Mr. Benton likes Boba?
"By the end of the day, he had studied for the test, finishing his project, and to write his essay."
By the end of the day, he had studied for the test, finished his project, and written his essay."
She almost drove her kids to school every day in her new car."
Misplaced Modifier – The phrase "almost" is misplaced, making it seem like the kids almost drove, instead of the intended meaning that she almost did not drive every day
By next summer, I will have been working at the company for five years.
Future Perfect Continuous
What is my wifes name?
The reactant is iron ( ||| ) hydroxide
2 Fe(OH) 3 --> 1 FE 2 O 3 + 3 H2O
She was excited to visit the museum, to try the new restaurant, and going to the concert."
"She was excited to visit the museum, try the new restaurant, and go to the concert."
"Running down the street, the bus almost missed by Sarah.
Dangling Modifier – The phrase "Running down the street" incorrectly modifies "the bus," when it should describe "Sarah."
Misplaced Modifier – "Almost" is placed incorrectly, making it seem like the bus almost missed Sarah, rather than Sarah almost missing the bus.
They had been waiting for over an hour when the bus finally arrived.
Past Perfect Continuous
What is Ms. Hendy favorite flavor ice cream?
First queen of England?
Queen Mary I