What is the 7th Commandment?
You shall not steal
What is the 10th Commandment?
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods
Humans have an absolute right to dominate creation and other living beings.
What is greed? What Commandment is greed associated with?
Greed: the desire to accumulate unlimited goods
The 10th Commandment
1. Keeping objects that someone lends you or finding objects and keeping them without looking for the owner
2. Business fraud and Tax evasion
3. Price-fixing
What behaviors are outlawed by the 10th Commandment?
Greed, avarice, and envy
It is morally acceptable to use animals for medical and scientific research.
What is avarice? What Commandment is avarice associated with?
Avarice: passionate desire for riches and power
The 10th Commandment
What is the underlying value in the 7th Commandment?
respect for the property rights of others
What is poverty of spirit, which is required by God in order to follow the 10th Commandment?
the detachment of earthly riches
It is immoral to spend excessive money on pets.
What is envy? What Commandment is envy associated with?
Envy: sadness over another person's possessions and desire to get them
The 10th Commandment
What is the purpose of the 7th Commandment?
to keep society functioning properly, maintain order, and allow for a safe and peaceful world
The attachment to goods turn people a.) away from or b.) towards God.
a.) Away from
The 7th Commandment says we need to respect other's property. If we did not do this, the economy would disintegrate and social commerce would come to a halt.
What do both the 7th Commandment and 10th Commandment have in common?
the desire for one's property