Why College?
Colleges in Nebraska
Cost of going to College
Ways to Pay for College
Two reasons why going to college pays off.
What is greater wealth, more security, better health, closer family, and stronger community.
We are the Wildcats and home of the national champion women's rugby team.
What is Wayne State College?
We are the wildcats and home of the national champion rugby team.
What is Wayne State College
Amount of money colleges charge fro services like computer labs, fitness centers and career services.
What are fees?
Money you borrow
What is a student loan?
List three options that can help you achieve your goals after high school.
What is college/university, community college, trade school, military, apprenticeship (on the job training), military
Private Career Schools and Community Colleges award these for completing a program of study generally less than 1 1/2 years.
What is a diplomas or certificates?
State College Located in western Nebraska
What is Chadron State College?
Colleges require you to purchase these or rent them for most classes.
What are books?
Money you don't have to repay and is awarded because of a skills you have athletically or academically.
What is a scholarship?
Reasons for taking tough classes in high school (two reasons)
What is qualifying for scholarship, qualify for college admissions, getting higher scores on college entrance exams, earn college credit, be prepared for college courses.
Complete a four year program at a college or university
What is bachelor's degree?
Community College located in Columbus, Hastings, and Grand Island.
What is Central Community College?
Cost of living on campus and eating in the college cafeteria
What is room and board?
Money awarded to students who show financial needs... these do not have to paid back.
What is a grant?
4 years of English, 4 years of math, 3 years of social studies, 3 years of science, 2 years of a foreign language, and must score a 20 or higher on the ACT or be ranked in top half of your class
What is the requirements for admissions for the University of Nebraska at Lincoln
A two year program offered after a person has completed their bachelor's degree.
What is a Master's Degree?
School Colors of and mascot of NECC
What is Black and Red, and the Hawks?
Amount of money a college charges for the courses you take.
What is tuition?
Money you earn from a job at the college to help pay for expenses.
What is work-study
The average grade for all your courses in high school or college
What is Grade Point Average
"0" degrees Celsius or "32" degrees Farenheit
What is freezing point?
Football teams nickname in the early 1900's was the Bugeaters.
What is the University of Nebraska Football Team?
Application need to be filled out to receive college loans, or pell grant.
What is the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)