This guy.
Who is Al Jahiz?
An animal that eats other animals.
What is a Carnivore?
A system comprising all the biotic and abiotic factors in an area and all the interactions among them.
What is an Ecosystem?
An organism that transforms energy from the Sun and uses carbon dioxide and water to make food, such as grass.
What is a Producer?
A diagram that shows the total amount of energy contained within each trophic level as pictured below.
What is a Energy Pyramid?
True or False. Liquid is a state of matter.
What is true?
How I feel sometimes when you make fun of my memes?
What is sad?
This guy popularized the food web concept in a book published in 1927.
Who is Charles Elton?
An organism that consumes only plants.
What is an Herbivore?
The response to all my memes such as the one below.
What is hahaha, blah-ha-ha, or wooooo-hooo-hahaha?
An animal that eats primary consumers (i.e., other animals that eat plants).
What is a Secondary Consumer?
The energy that moves from a starting point through living systems in a one-way direction.
What is flow?
A solid formed in a chemical reaction that is different from either of the reactants.
What is precipitate?
The two types of physical change.
What is
State of Matter and Change in size?
This guy.
Who is Charles Elton?
A single, linear path showing the flow of energy from the Sun to a producer and through different levels of consumers.
What is the Food Chain?
Overlapping food chains with different pathways to show the flow of energy in an ecosystem.
What is a Food Web?
An organism that gets its energy by feeding on producers in the food chain.
What is a Primary Consumer?
The position an organism occupies on the food web as pictured below.
What is a Trophic Level?
A change that involves one substance being pulled apart or combined with another substance to form a completely different substance or substances.
What is a chemical change?
The three different states of matter.
What are solid, liquid, and gas?
Food chains were first introduced by the Arab scientist and philosopher _______ in the 10th century.
Who is Al-Jahiz?
An organism that must consume other organisms for nutrients.
What is a Consumer?
Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and protists within an ecosystem.
What are Biotic factors?
The song I might have to sing at next year's talent show, as pictured below.
What is Ya Shoulda Put Ya Name on It?
The cause of energy loss in the transfer of energy between each trophic level of the energy pyramid.
What is heat and body activities?
A change to a substance that occurs without forming a new substance, such as a change in size or state of matter.
What is a physical change?
Evidence of a physical change in matter includes these three.
What are a release or absorption of heat, a change in particle size, a change of phase?
The name of my red marker that writes names of naughty children.
What is Rosa?
Organisms such as bacteria and fungi that break down the remains of dead plants and animals without need for internal digestion.
What are Decomposers?
Water, soil, air, sunlight, temperature, and minerals within an ecosystem.
What are Abiotic factors?
An organism that gets its energy by eating secondary consumers.
What is a Tertiary Consumer?
True or Flase, Energy is never created and never destroyed.
What is true?
The answer to this meme.
What is hahahaha?
Evidence of a chemical change in matter includes these five data points.
What are 1. production of a gas 2. color change 3. formation of a precipitate 4. change in temperature 5. and the production of light?