Waves and Light
Energy and Heat
Life Over Time/ Ecology
Reproduction, Heredity, Genetics
Scientific Knowledge
The three ways that matter can interact with light.
What are transmit, reflect, and absorb?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
The remains or imprints of once living organisms.
What are fossils?
Hereditary information that contains genes located in the chromosomes of each cell.
What is DNA?
The variable that you manipulate.
What is the independent or test variable?
If an object absorbs all colors of light, it would display this color.
What is black?
When you put your hand on a cool table energy is being transferred. This is an example of energy moves from a __________ object to a ___________ object.
What is from a warmer object to a cooler object? (Or any variation of the words "warmer and cooler")
This provides evidence about the order in which species have existed and changed over time.
What is a fossil record?
The passing of hereditary information from one generation to the next.
What is heredity?
When another scientist performs the exact same investigation to see if the results will be the same.
What is replication?
When light passes through a medium, the can change the properties of light in one of these three interactions.
What are slows, bends, or scatters?
When you add or remove heat from an object you may change the object's _________ and __________.
What is the object's temperature and state of matter?
The fossil record, diversity or organisms, natural selection, a species inability to adapt to a changing environment are all support for this theory that explains how species change over time.
What is the theory of evolution?
The probability that an offspring will be homozygous recessive if both parents of an offspring are heterozygous.
What is 25%?
A testable idea or explanation that leads to a scientific investigation.
What is a hypothesis?
The range of wavelengths and frequencies of waves that includes radio, micro, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray.
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
The sum of an object's kinetic and potential energy.
What is mechanical energy?
The feeding relationship between organisms that shows the flow of energy.
What is a food web?
Genetic variation is an advantage of this type of reproduction, in which two haploid cells join together to make a zygote.
What is sexual reproduction?
A well supported explanation of nature that attempts to explain how things happen.
What is a theory?
Waves that require a medium.
What are mechanical waves?
When energy changes from one form to another.
What is energy transformation?
When a bee pollinates a flower it is an example of this type of symbiotic relationship.
What is mutualism?
When using a pedigree, there are circles or squares that represent the gender. These shapes are blank or half filled or completed shaded in to represent if an individual is not affected by a trait, is a carrier of the trait, or is affected by the trait. If a completely shaded circle reproduces with a blank square, the probability that the offspring would be affected by the trait would be this.
What is 0%?
Data that would be used to represent the measurements recorded in an investigation.
What is quantitative data?