Time ( fill in each sentence with the correct word)
Present tense
Present tense
Past tense
Past tense

We don't _______ enough time to stop right now. 

We don't have enough time to stop right now. 


My brother usually _____ ( meet) me at the gym after school.

My brother usually meets me at the gym after school.

(remember when its 3rd person to add an s/es to the verb) 


She always ____ ( wakes up) early. 

She always wakes up early. 

Present simple: because it is always which shows its a habit. Its 3rd person so add and s/es to the end of the verb.


I ____( visit) my uncle last week.

I visited my uncle last week. 

past simple because it shows a completed past action. 

form: verb + ed


My dad ____ (ask) a silly question.

My dad asked a silly question. 

simple present: shows a completed action/ event. He isn't currently asking the question he already did.


It _____ a long time to get to Tegucigalpa when there is a lot of traffic. 

It takes a long time to get to Tegucigalpa when there is a lot of traffic.


I am ______ ( write ) a letter to my mom right now.

I am writing a letter to my mom right now.

Form present continuous: (to be= am/are) + verb + ing 


My friend ____ soccer on Saturdays. 

My friend plays soccer on Saturdays. 

present simple: On Saturdays show that it is a habit

In the 3rd person add s/es to the end of the verb. 

We ___ ( play) card games after school. 

We played card games after school. 

simple past: shows a completed action 

form: verb + ed ( no s/es because it is not 3rd person) 


They ___ (watch) a TV series yesterday. 

They watched a TV series yesterday. 

simple past: shows a completed action

form: verb + ed 


Stop ____ time, we are in a hurry! 

Stop wasting time, we are in a hurry!


You ____( live) in Honduras.

You live in Honduras.

Present simple


We _____( not see) that movie yet.

We haven't ( have not) seen that movie yet. 

Present perfect is related to them not seeing the movie in the past which means that in the present they have also not watched the movie.

Form it using ( have/has ) + past tense of the verb


I ____(read) a book when my mom came home. 

I was reading a book when my mom came home. 

past continuous: shows a past action that has been interrupted or an action that no longer occurs.

Usually can tell its past is continuous because you can see the word "when" or "while" to show the action was interrupted.

form ( was/were) + verb + ing 


They ___ ( study) at 8 pm last night for the test.

They were studying at 8 pm last night for the test. 

past continuous: shows a past action that has been interrupted or an action that no longer occurs.

form: were/ was + verb+ ing


I like going on runs it is a good way to ___ some exercise!

I like going on runs it is a good way to get some exercise!


She ____ ( live) here for 5 years. 

She has lived here for 5 years. 

present perfect: connects the past to the present

form it by using has/have + past tense of the verb 


Look! They ____( run) in the park.

Look! They are running in the park. 

Present continuous: look shows that the action is happening right now

form it using (to be= am/are) + verb+ ing 


By the time I got home, my brother ___ ( leave) 

By the time I got home, my brother had left. 

past perfect because shows one event happened before another event. 

form (had) + past tense verb


We ____ ( walk) to the beach when it started to snow.

We were walking to the beach when it started snowing. 

past continuous: shows a past action that has been interrupted or an action that no longer occurs.

form: was/were + verb + ing


Taking the bus will ____ time because we will get there earlier.

Taking the bus will save time because we will get there earlier.


They ____ ( travel) to Mexico 5 times. 

They have traveled to Mexico 5 times.

present perfect: connects the past to the present 

have/ has + verb in the past tense 


____( you/ever/try) sushi?

Have you ever tried sushi?

The present perfect because asking if they have had sushi in the past is related to the present moment when the question is asked. 

form: questions are made slightly differently but you still use have/had + past tense of the verb... the difference is the subject goes between rather than at the beginning of the sentence.


She____ (walk) the dog while her brother ____( brush) his teeth.

She was walking the dog while her brother was brushing his teeth. 

past continuous: shows a past action that has been interrupted or an action that no longer occurs.

Usually can tell its past is continuous because you can see the word "when" or "while" to show the action was interrupted.


She ___ ( not/eat) dinner before she watched a movie.

She hadn't (had not) eaten dinner before she watched a movie. 

Past perfect: shows that one action happened before another happened. 

form: had + past tense of verb