Among the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles were the who?
William became known as William the Conqueror, and his victory at the Battle of Hastings became known as the what?
Norman Conquest
This thing is where the representative government became a regular feature of English government
Model Parliament
One of the weakest French kings allowed who, a peasant girl who claimed to hear "heavenly voices," to lead the French army.
Joan of Arc
Who was the archbishop of Canterbury?
Thomas Cranmer
This group is a special group of Celtic men who acted as teachers, judges, and priests, and conducted religious ceremonies which included human sacrifice. What was the group called?
Who gives us an idea of warlike, barbaric manners of the ancient Saxons?
What did Henry also institute?
Trial by jury
Henry VIII
How many people died under Bloody Mary?
Over 300
The Jutes, Angles, and Saxons who conquered Britain were collectively called what?
In the 5th century A.D., waves of Jutes, Angles, and who, sailed across the North Sea from the region south of Denmark.
Who was Henry's third son?
Edward the First
The greatest event of the period was the what?
English Reformation
Thus Henry determined to get rid of Catherine and marry 24-year-old who?
Anne Boleyn
The Modern Age has been the Age of what?
Age of Nations
Under less competent leadership, England fell to new Viking invaders, and in 1016 who became king of England?
Canute the Dane
Which king used John's bad behavior as an excuse to take more than half the English king's land in mainland Europe?
Philip the Second
In 1455, the Yorks and Lancasters began what later became known as the what?
War of the Roses
Who was Henry the VIII's first wife?
Catherine off Aragon
The history of one European nation in particular has become an inspiration to all freedom-loving people. Which nation am I?
He directed his assistants to take a what? This thing counts the people and property
Early in the morning on the 15th of June 1215, a group of English noblemen and clergy met King John on the meadow of what?
Henry, a devout member of the Roman church, attacked Luther's doctrines in 1520 by writing a book called what?
The Defense of the Seven Sacraments
An English translation of the New Testament by this person circulated widely. Who was this person?
William Tyndale