Who is considered the Father of American History?
Who is William Bradford
Who invented the cotton gin?
Who is Eli Whitney
Where was the first great center of American missions activity?
Where is Hawaiian Islands
Which British commander is considered by some to be the greatest naval hero the world has ever known?
Who is Lord Nelson
Who is considered the Prince of Preachers?
Who is C.H. Spurgeon
Who was the first Protestant king of France?
Who is Henry IV
Who discovered the universal law of gravitation?
Who is Isaac Newton
Where was Napoleon exiled to after his final defeat?
Where is St. Helena
Who engineered the Model T?
Who is Henry Ford
Who invented the reaper?
Who is Cyrus McCormick
Who was the ruler of England during the U.S. War for Independence?
Who is George III
Who was the most influential spokesman at the Congress of Vienna?
Who is von Metternich
What country did Napoleon try to cut off with the Continental System?
What is England
Who is the Father of the English Hymn?
Who is Isaac Watts
Who is most responsible for the Second Great Awakening?
Who is Charley Finney
Who was a child prodigy and wrote the Magic Flute?
Who is Mozart
Whose reign is known as the July Monarchy?
Who is Louis Philippe
What type of government did Louis XIV establish when he set up various councils of state?
What is bureaucratic
Who is the first black bishop of the Church of England?
Who is Samuel Adjai Crowther
Who published History of the United States?
Who is Noah Webster
Who is known as the Father of the Sunday School Movement?
Who is Robert Raikes
What British prime minister divided Canada into two parts?
Who is William Pitt
What church was started by John Wesley?
What is Methodist
Who was the first Protestant missionary in China?
Who is Robert Morrison
Who stated theories of realtivity?
Who is Albert Einstein