How Historians Work
Industry, Business, and the Economy
Labor and Social Issues
Historical evidence created by someone who was present to witness or participate in the event or time period under study.

What is primary source evidence?


Revolutionized manufacturing with the development of the assembly line, interchangable parts, and invention of the Model T.

Who was Henry Ford?


These three factors of production allowed business leaders to tap the country's rich supply of natural resources and continue the shift of the economy from one based on farming to one based on industry. Name the factors and explain each one.

What are LAND - land and natural resources; LABOR - large numbers of workers; and CAPITAL - machines, buildings, tools, and money?


Two factors which created a need for labor reform.

What are dangerous conditions in factories, low wages, long work hours, child labor, lack of job security?


Conditions that cause a person to want to leave their country of origin. Name three.

What is a push factor?

What are political instability, overcrowding, persecution (unfair laws), poverty (economic hardship), lack of land, lack of  opportunity.


An account of a historical event or time created by someone who was not present to witness or participate in the historical event or time period under study.

What is a secondary source evidence?


Invented the electric light bulb and electrical generating stations.

Who was Thomas Edison?


Building a business by combining competing companies of the same type into one corporation. Give an example.

What is horizontal integration? Example: John D. Rockefeller dominated the oil industry by driving his competitors out of business

An organization created to demand better work conditions and pay for workers.

What is a labor union?


Conditions of a destination country that attract immigrants. Name three.

What is a pull factor?

What is opportunity for jobs, financial prosperity, political freedom, personal security, land, hope for a better life?


A social scientist who studies artifacts, things people left behind, to try to understand how people lived in the past.

What is an archaeologist?


Worked his way up in the railroad business and then revolutionized the manufacturing of steel.

Who was Andrew Carnegie?


Dominating an industry by gaining control of all the stages of production in the industry's supply chain - raw materials, warehouses, transportation, production and distribution. Give an example.

What is vertical integration? Example: Andrew Carnegie's domination of the steelmaking industry. Vertical integration allowed him to reduce the cost of making steel and the prices he charged for it


One reason why the Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor was successful. 

What is the Knights of Labor recruited people who were usually not allowed to join trade unions - women, African Americans, immigrants, and unskilled laborers.


A shift in the origins of immigrants from before 1865 to after 1865. 

What is before 1865 most immigrants came from countries in northern and western Europe (e.g., Scandinavia, Germany, Spain) and after 1865 most immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe (Greece, Russia, Hungary, Italy, Turkey, Poland).


A social scientist who studies human cultures and how they develop over time.

What is an anthropologist?


Hispano politician and businessman who brought the railroad into Northern New Mexico

Who was Miguel Antonio Otero?


Benefits included more efficient transport of raw materials, finished goods, and people, as well as increased demand for industrial commodities such as steel. 

What was the expansion of the railroad system?

In New Mexico, this group cut fences and tore up railroad track as acts of resistance against the railroads and ranchers who kept poor Hispanic farmers from using land held in community land grants. 

Who were Las Gorras Blancas (the White Caps).

Immigrants often were recruited to work in these industries and businesses. 

What are loading and unloading cargo, digging ditches to develop irrigation systems, farm work, steel mills, railroads, sweatshops for making clothes.


Skills needed to analyze information. Name five.

What are Sequencing events; Finding the main idea; Categorizing information; Comparing and contrasting; Making generalizations; Making predictions; Making inferences; and Drawing conclusions; Considering point of view and multiple perspectives?


Englishman who revolutionized the process for making steel.

Who was Henry Bessemer?


Three ways the railroads were improved.

What were adopting a standard gauge for tracks; creation of air brakes by George Westinghouse; the invention of the Janney car couplers; development of refrigerated railroad cars by Gustavus Swift; creation of the Pullman sleeping car by George Pullman?


Samuel Gompers created this association of trade unions representing skilled workers and sought the right to collective bargaining - when unions represent a group of workers in talks with management over wages and other matters.

What is the AFL (American Federation of Labor)?


Becoming part of the larger, mainstream American culture.

What is assimilation?


Other fields of study related to history. Name five.

What are Economics, Government, Civics, Culture,  Science, Technology, Society, Geography?


Cornelius Vanderbilt, James J. Hill, Collis P. Huntington, and Leland Stanford.

What are railroad barons?


Creation of big, successful businesses earned a lot of money for the owners and companies, but it also made it possible for this to happen. Explain. 

What is philanthropy - using money to benefit the community? For example, some of our great universities - Stanford, Vanderbilt, and University of Chicago - were founded with money donated by highly successful big business owners.

A community organizer who spent 50 years fighting for workers rights especially active in the drive to organize mine workers. 

Who was Mary Harris "Mother" Jones?


Blaming immigrants for crime, unemployment, and becoming a social burden. 

What is nativism?