It is the basic unit of organization of all living things.
What are cells?
Animals and plants
What are multicellular things?
These organelles are known as the "Powerhouse" of the cell
What are mitochondira?
The gel-like liquid inside of cells, in which the organelles are found, is called the _________
What is "Cytoplasm"?
These are 3 things that living cells do.
What are respiration, take in nutrients, and produce waste?
The Cell Theory states that all cells come from existing _____________
What are "Cells"
This characteristic determines the function of a cell.
What is the structure?
Cells are made up of these
What are Organelles?
Animals never have these two organelles
What are Cell Walls and Chloroplasts
These 2 things are created when food is broken down.
What is matter and energy?
Cell Theory states that all ______ ______ are made of one or more cells.
What are "Living organisms"?
Several ________ working together creates an Organ System.
This green organelle is found in plants and helps with photosynthesis
What are chloroplasts?
This is an important difference between plants and animals.
What is using carbon dioxide, water and sun to make food?
Protists, bacteria and plants.
What are only organisms composed of cells
Infectious diseases are caused by this:
What are microbes?
Organs are made up of ___________
What are tissues?
This organelle coivers the cell membrane in plants.
What are Cell Walls?
This is where the genetic material is found in a cell
What is the Nucleus?
Both of these conduct respiration and are made of more than one cell.
What are plants and humans?
The discovery of cells was enabled by the invention of the __________
What is a Microscope?
Organisms that are made of one cell are said to be this.
What is unicellular?
This is where substances pass in or out of a cell.
What is the Cellular Membrane?
Animal cells tend to have a few of these storage organelles, plants tend to have one large one.
What is a Vacoule?
This is the process of a plant producing its food using energy from sunlight.
What is Photosynthesis