Mood/ Tone

This is used to "back up" or prove a claim statement.

What is text evidence?


A lesson the author wants the reader to learn. ie. Memories are meant to be shared.

What is theme?


When 2 or more characters are having problems with one another. 

What is the Character vs. Character?


The narrator's point of view. Provide evidence: The dishes flew and the engine of turmoil raged. That was the sound of my parents fighting. I wish they got along, but wishes don't amount to much in the real world.

What is First-Person? Explanation: That was first-person because the narrator tells the story first-hand, from the perspective of "I."


The emotion that a story/ work makes you feel as the reader.  

What is mood?

Words around another word that can help you figure out the meaning of the word.
What are context clues?

The theme of the story: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

What is Do not touch things that do not belong to you.


A character taking on a hurricane is an example of....

What is Character vs. Nature?


The narrator's point of view. Provide evidence: You shouldn't argue with people on the Internet. It is a waste of time and energy. Do you want to spend your precious life energy trying to type sense into some delusional fool who will only hate you for your efforts? No, you don't.  

What is Second-Person? Explanation: This is second-person because it is narrated from "you/your" perspective.


How the author says something. 

What is tone?

Used around textual evidence to show that it's the author's words and not yours.
What are quotation marks?

The theme of the story: "The Hare and the Tortoise"

What is It is better to be slow and steady?


The "good guy" in a story is called the...

What is protagonist?


The narrator's point of view. Provide evidence: Hansel walked ahead of Gretel. Gretel dropped breadcrumbs behind her as she went. The birds in the trees chirped.

What is 3rd Person Objective? The story is told with no internal thoughts. Only a reporting of actions.


What mood does the sentence evoke: "The sun set slowly behind the hills, casting a calm orange glow across the sky."?

What is calm, serene, etc?


The Author's name, page/line number, and title of the work you are quoting goes where? 

What is in parenthesis at the end of your sentence. 


This should NEVER be included in a theme statement.

What is a character's name or specific reference to the story?


Kronk is struggling with the ethics of killing Kuzco with the poison designed specifically to kill Kuzco (Kuzco's poison). His conscience appears in the form of an angel and devil to help him make his decision. This is an example of what type of conflict? 

What is an internal conflict?


The narrator's point of view. Provide textual evidence for your answer: "You must get the golden key from the Sugar Toast Forest," said the Peanut Butter Wizard. He knew that their quest would be hard, so he gave them a bit of advice, "All you have is one another, so stick together." Jelly Girl and Banana Boy nodded eagerly. They were both afraid of the Sugar Toast Forest. Neither of them had ever left home before, but they had heard tales, frightful tales.

What is Third-Person Omniscient Explanation: That was third-person omniscient because the narrator reveals the internal thoughts and feelings of more than one character (Peanut Butter Wizard, Jelly Girl, and Banana Boy).


If you say something sarcastically you are using mood, true or false? 



Making notes while reading to help with understanding and answering questions.

What is annotation?


The theme of Monsters are Due on Maple Street? 

What is fear can cause people to divide?


[Germany 1942] Suzy does not believe in what her government is saying about Jews. She decides to try and help as best she can. What type of conflict is present here.

What is Character vs. Society?


The narrator's point of view. Provide evidence: The Green Fox's legs were sore. He had been sitting on a tree branch for several hours waiting for the Sheriff. He believed that the Sheriff would be coming this way to transport some prisoners, one of whom might be the Green Fox's best friend, Lavender Luke. The Green Fox heard the sound of hooves approaching. He swung down from the branch by his knees and observed an armored carriage with the royal symbol on the door. "That's our mark. Get ready boys!" the Green Fox shouted to his men.

What is Third-Person Limited Explanation: That was third-person limited because the narrator reveals the internal thoughts and feelings of a single character (the Green Fox).


How would you describe the tone of the author when they write, "Obviously, no one cared to clean up the mess."?

What is annoyed?