Context Clues
Jane Schaffer
The scared rock climber balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff. A. gracefully B. lazily C. dangerously D. hopefully
C. dangerously
When L.A. was founded, the city’s full name was “El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora Reina de los Angeles sobre el Rio Porciuncula.” Commentary or Concrete Detail?
Concrete Detail
The message or lesson the author wants you to know.
Theme #1
Beggars can't be choosers / Be grateful when others offer to help.
Which conclusion is best supported by the following sentence? "The Golden Gate Bridge spans the San Francisco Bay, connecting northern California to the peninsula of San Francisco." a. The bridge enables many people to go from San Francisco to northern California. b. The bridge has the longest span of any other suspension bridge. c. Thick cables are best. d. The bridge is the most popular bridge in the Bay Area.
a. The bridge enables many people to go from San Francisco to northern California.
We often travel to New England in the autumn to see the bright colors of the fall foliage. A. hurricane B. plays C. snow D. leaves
D. leaves
Los Angeles has something for everyone; it is the most beautiful and exciting city in the country. Commentary or Concrete Detail?
An educated guess using clues and prior knowledge.
Theme #2
Some skills take time and effort / Not everything is as easy as it seems.
"Nico!" Erin shouted at the top of her lungs as she bounded through the meadow, "Come back, Nico!" She was nearly out of breath but she kept running through the tall grass. "Nico, come on, boy! It's time to go home!" Erin continued shouting, her voice hoarse from shouting similar expressions all day. Then she stumbled over the leash that she was carrying, "Whoa… Come on Nico!" Erin shouted, regaining her balance. Who is Nico?
Nico is probably her dog.
The mood was somber at the funeral of the former president. A. shy B. serious C. excited D. funny
B. serious
If L.A. county were a state, it would be the 4th largest state in the U.S. Commentary or Concrete Detail?
Concrete Detail
What is the setting of a story?
Where and when a story takes place.
Theme #3
Don't procrastinate/put things off. / Sometimes the solution to a problem is right under your nose.
"Argh!" Amber exclaimed as she pulled off her sweater and threw it into a multicolored pile of clothes. She walked into her closet and swept her hand recklessly through the rows of hanging garments, her face reflecting her dissatisfaction. She huffed and grabbed a silver dress. She held it up to the mirror against her body for a moment, sighed, and then stepped into the dress. She gazed into the mirror, and then scowled and threw her fists down in disappointment. She heard her mother's voice through the door, "Amber, Scott's here. Are you almost ready?" Amber groaned, "OK, just tell him I'll be down in two minutes!" She slid the silver dress back off and threw it onto the ever-growing multicolored pile of clothes. What problem is Amber having?
She probably cannot find an outfit to wear on her date.
When he didn’t understand the instructions, the student asked the teacher to clarify them. A. remove B. call C. explain D. stop
C. explain
Please write a concrete detail about a teacher at our school.
Examples: Mr. Acosta is a science teacher. / Ms. Castillo's classroom is room 200.
What does barren mean in this sentence? The surface of the moon is dark and barren. a. distant b. empty c. frightening d. full of life
b. empty
Theme #4
Don't wait until the last minute. / Consider the needs and advice of others.
Iggy squinted as he tried to see through the holes in the ski mask. He could make out the large bag on the counter. The frightened woman who put it there now had both hands raised. As he took the bag off of the counter, Iggy tipped an imaginary hat to the woman. The jest did not brighten her demeanor. Iggy exited the first set of doors but stopped in the vestibule. Soon the windows of the building pulsated with blue and red lights. Iggy hurriedly walked back into the building. What is Iggy doing in this building?
He is probably robbing people.
The impudent boy was rude to the policeman. A. handsome B. careful C. poor D. bold
D. bold
Please write a piece of commentary about the weather today.
Examples: *The weather today is perfect for going to see a movie. *The weather today is awful. *The weather today is delightful.
Please write an example of dialogue.
Example: "Hi, Mr. Smith!" he said. "Hi, Johnny!" Mr. Smith replied.
Theme #5
Better to be alone than in bad company. / People will judge you based on the people you choose to spend time with.
Miya came out of the bathroom with tears in her eyes. She ran down to the cafeteria and asked the staff if they had any rice. Fortunately for Miya, Ms. Lucille did. Ms. Lucille filled a red plastic cup about half way with white rice grains and handed it to Miya. Miya pulled a damp phone from out of her back pocket and pushed it into the dry rice grains inside of the plastic cup. She sincerely thanked Ms. Lucille and then went back to class. She felt relieved, but she was still a little worried. Why is Miya upset at the beginning of the passage?
She probably dropped her phone in the toilet or the sink.