RTT is this type of animal
What is a mongoose?
The Lottery takes place in a ___________ society
What is dystopian?
The capital of California
What is Sacramento?
The two sponsor gifts Katniss has received so far
What is medicine and bread?
Ariel is in this movie
Rudyard Kipling, the author of "RTT," also wrote this story that was turned into a Disney movie
What is "The Jungle Book?"
In "Nothing to Envy," Mrs. Song eventually felt bad for the woman who was taken away for writing something in her diary for this reason
What is because the same thing almost happened to her husband?
This soft drink company originated in Atlanta, Georgia
What is Coca - Cola?
Katniss said that Gale is her confidant, which means this
What is he is someone Katniss can share all her thoughts with and can trust?
The name of the human friend in "Winnie the Pooh"
Who is Christopher Robin?
State the meaning of "Miss Ryan loosened Ernesto and his classmates from the safe anchorage of their desks to recitations at the whiteboard"
What is she helped Ernesto and his class get out of their comfort zone?
You got the "Special"
As a team, decide whether you want to go for 200, 400, 600, 800, or 1,000 BEFORE the question is revealed to you.
Whatever points you decide upon, will be how many points you either earn or lose.
Yoshiko Uchida spent some of her life in Japanese concentration camps for this reason
This type of figurative language is when the first letter sound of each word is repeated
What is alliteration?
You got the "Special"
As a team, decide whether you want to go for 200, 400, 600, 800, or 1,000 BEFORE the question is revealed to you.
Whatever points you decide upon, will be how many points you either earn or lose.
Describe how Katniss shows the Capitol that Rue was an innocent child who died at their hands
In every Pixar film, you'll see the name of this restaurant
What is "Pizza Planet?"
The refugees had built a __________ over the years in the desert.
What is a mosque?
Give a detailed sentence with the word "commend" in it that someone could try and figure out what commend means.
Answers can vary
This country has the third most World Cup title wins
What is Argentina?
Rue knows she can trust Katniss because of this
What is the Mockingjay pin?
The quote "Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one" was said by this character
Who is Grandmother Willow?
Annie Johnson showed courage in this way
What is despite being a woman of color, she was brave enough to sell her food out in the open, during a time where there was still discrimination going on?
The reason why Eva did not have to draw with her family (Give the WHOLE reason)
What is because since Eva got married, her last name changed from Hutchinson, and therefore, she did not have to draw with her family in the second round?
The Renaissance Artists
Who are Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo?
The four members of Katniss' style team
Who are Octavia, Venia, Flavius and Cinna?
Monsters University followed this college's layout
What is UC Berkeley?