Inferences and Conclusions
Context Clues/Revisions
Fiction and Poetry
What is an inference?
Prior knowledge + Text Evidence
Since professional athletes have to stay in peak physical shape, most athletes SELDOM eat junk food. What does seldom mean in this sentence and how do you know?
Rarely, almost never. Athletes don't eat junk food often because they have to stay in peak physical shape.
What is the purpose of stage directions? How do they look when written?
Stage directions are instructions as part of the script of a play. It tells how the actors are to move on the stage or the tone in which they should say their lines. The stage directions are normally enclosed in brackets and written in italics and are found at the beginning of each scene and before a certain character speaks.
What are 6 characteristics that make up a personal narrative?
1. 1st person 2. Past tense 3. Chronological order 4. Non-Fictional story 5. About yourself (the author) 6. Detail 7. Meaning/memorable/reflection
What does expository mean and what is an example of an expository text?
Expository means informational text. A newspaper article, a magazine article, a textbook etc.
"Mama, is it time to go?" I hadn't planned to cry, but the tears came suddenly, and I wiped them away with the back of my hand. I didn't want my older sister to see me crying. "It's almost time, Ruri," my mother said gently. Her face was filled with a kind of sadness I had never seen before. I looked around at my empty room. The clothes that Mama always told me to hang up in the closet, the junk piled on my dresser, the old rag doll I could never bear to part with--they were all gone. There was nothing left in the rest of the house. The rugs and furniture were gone, the pictures and drapes were down, and the closets and cupboards were empty. The house was like a gift box after the nice thing inside was gone; just a lot of nothingness. from "The Bracelet" by Yoshiko Uchida What conclusion can the reader draw after reading this passage? a. Ruri is getting married and leaving her childhood home. b. Ruri is going off to college. c. Ruri's family is moving to another place. d. Ruri's parents are divorcing.
C. Ruri's family is moving to another place.
The woman crossed her fingers as her daughter did the cheer. She was hoping that everything would work out for her daughter as she vied for a position on the squad. Her daughter wanted to be a cheerleader. The word VIED probably means: a. shouted b. enclosed c. expanded d. tried
d. tried
What is the fancy word for the character list in a play?
Dramatis Personae
To which of the five senses do these lines from "The Bells" appeal? How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle In the icy air of night! While the stars, the oversprinkle All the heavens, seem to twinkle with a crystalline delight a. sight and smell b. taste and touch c. sight, hearing and touch d. hearing and taste
c. sight, hearing and touch
Researchers have found that parents view boy babies and girl babies differently as early as the first week of life. Little girls are said to be unlike boys in both facial characteristics and personality. Boy babies are usually bigger than girl babies and are actually described stronger as and more alert than little girls. On the other hand, little girls are seen as sweeter, gentler and more passive than little boys. Although two infants may look alike or be equally fragile, parents handle boy babies with less care than the girls. Which statement best explains how boys and girls are treated differently? a. Girls are fragile; Boys are strong b. Girls and boys look alike but different c. Boys are bigger than girls d. Parents handle boys more roughly than girls.
d. Parents handle boys more roughly than girls.
Video gaming is one of the largest industries in America. Each day more and more children are getting addicted to video games. There have been many video game opponents accusing the industry of becoming too violent. It is not uncommon to play a shoot'em up game where ten people are getting killed every minute. Yet, despite pressures of society to eliminate violent video games, as each day passes, more gamers are getting hooked. What conclusions can you draw about the video game industry? a. As time goes on more and more children will play video games b. As time goes on the video game industry will lose money c. As time goes on more parents will prevent their children from playing violent video games d. As time goes on, pressure to make games less violent will decrease the number of shooting games
A. As time goes on more and more children will play video games.
In order to make it to the district tournament, the soccer team has to vanquish the opposing team in tonight's game. What does vanquish mean as it is used in this sentence? a. a feeling of friendship and goodwill b. to defeat thoroughly c. to annoy or irritate d. a violent or intense attack
b. vanquish
What is the purpose of stage directions in this scene?: SCROOGE: Nephew! Keep Christmas in your own way, and let me keep it in mine. FRED: Keep it! But you don't keep it. SCROOGE: Let me leave it alone, then! A lot of good it has done you. FRED: Well, there are many things from which I have benefited, even if they didn't show a profit, I dare say. Christmas among the rest. But if anything belonging to Christmas can be considered apart from the sacred source of its name and origin, I am sure I have always thought of Christmas as a good time, a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time: the only time of year I know of when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and think of others as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave. And therefore, Uncle, though it has never put a scrap of silver or gold in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it! (CRATCHIT bursts into applause at this, then stops at SCROOGE'S scowl) SCROOGE: Another sound out of you, and you'll keep your Christmas by losing your position! (CRATCHIT slinks back to his work.)
To show that Cratchit agrees with Fred and to add some comedic relief/humor.
Seth stepped into his front yard and looked up and down the street. Nothing made sense. Several other houses had the front portion of their driveway ripped out just as Seth's had been. But there were several more houses whose driveways were untouched. There were slices of road cut out here and there, but Seth could see no pattern to the places that were cut up. He could even see one worker filling in a recently cut piece of the roadway with fresh cement. Was there any point to what they were doing, or were they just breaking things and putting them back together to kill time? Seth had no way to know, so he just went back to the window to watch. It might not make sense, but, for Seth, destruction was fun to watch. Which of these best summarizes the last paragraph? a. Seth noticed that one worker was filling in with concrete one of the holes that had been cut. b. Seth saw that some driveways were being ripped out while others were not being touched. c. Seth was happy to be watching workers from his window because he enjoyed watching destruction. d. Seth did not understand why only parts of the road were being destroyed, so he decided to just watch and enjoy.
d. Seth did not understand why only parts of the road were being destroyed, so he decided to just watch and enjoy.
What is the author's reason for writing this? Is it descriptive, cause/effect, problem/solution, sequence, or compare/contrast? One of the largest growing problems in the United States is that of illegal immigration. Each year, between three and four hundred thousand people attempt to cross the border between the United States and Mexico illegally. It is not a simple task, however, to cross this border as there are eleven thousand US Border Patrol agents to prevent these illegal entries from taking place. This problem of illegal immigration has led to violence, drug problems, and even numerous counts of murder.
To describe the problem in the United States with illegal immigration. Description
"The men walked down the streets to the mine with their heads bent close to their chests. In groups of five or six they scurried on. It was impossible to recognize individuals from the small gaps between their caps, pulled down over their eyes, and the tightly bound scarves tied over the bottom half of their faces." What was the weather like as the men walked to the mine? What part of the passage made you think this?
You should have been able to work out that it was very cold and windy. You probably arrived at this answer because you associated hats pulled down and scarves with winter or cold weather at least. You know from personal experience people keep their heads down when walking against the wind and the author gave you another clue with the word "scurried" which suggests the men were hurrying to reach their destination.
No word must ever leak out about this military action! It has to be a clandestine operation in order to succeed. Which word is a synonym of "clandestine"? a. family b. useful c. dangerous d. secret
d. secret
In drama, dialogue is used to develop: a. theme and actions b. setting and drama c. speech and plot d. characters and plot
d. characters and plot
the line "The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls" illustrates which of the following sound devices? Define the answer. a. alliteration b. hyperbole c. personification d. onomatopoeia
c. personification- giving nonliving things human characteristics
What type of expository text is this? The dodo bird used to roam in large flocks across America. Interestingly, the dodo wasn’t startled by gun shot. Because of this, frontiersmen would kill entire flocks in one sitting. Unable to sustain these attacks, the dodo was hunted to extinction.
Cause and Effect
"Rain lashed against the windows as Jane stamped up and down the room stopping only to check the time on the mantle clock every five minutes. Her book, bought with such enthusiasm the day before, was flung carelessly in the corner beside the abandoned picnic basket. Jane stamped her feet and began to repeat her earlier tedious complaints against nature. Emily merely smiled to herself and carried on reading the newspaper without as much as a nod of the head." How would you describe Jane's mood? What part of the excerpt made you think this?
Angry, frustrated, bad-tempered and disappointed. Unable to sit still, fed-up with reading, complaining.
Your cousin claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen shut. Even though I have my doubts, his explanation is plausible. It got really cold last night. I'll just have to take his word for it. If a statement is plausible, a. you must always believe it b. you should never believe it c. it's hard to understand because it makes no sense d. it's believable enough to possibly be true
d. it's believable enough to possibly be true
SCROOGE: Was it a dream, then? (Lays back down.) (We hear the CATHEDRAL CHIME.) SCROOGE (sitting up): A quarter past. (CHIME.) SCROOGE: Half past. (CHIME.) SCROOGE: A quarter to it. (CHIME.) SCROOGE (jumping out of bed) Ha! The hour itself,...and nothing else! What is the purpose of the stage directions and what is the figurative language used in the stage directions?
The purpose is to create anticipation in the watcher and show that time is passing. The figurative language is CHIME- onomatopoeia
List 2 literary devices (figurative language) used and their purpose in this quote: "Buzz, goes the blue fly, / Hum, goes the bee, Buzz and hum they cry, / And so do we:"
Buzz, Hum- Onomatopoeia: to appeal to our sense of sound Rhyme- Fly and Cry: to create rhythm Buzz, buzz- Repetition: to emphasize the sound being continuous They cry- personification(ish)- to make us relate to the bees
What is the expository text structure of this paragraph? What is a good headline for this text? Robert James Fischer was born in Chicago but unlocked the secrets of chess in a Brooklyn apartment right above a candy store. At the age of six he taught himself to play by following the instruction booklet that came with his chess board. After spending much of his childhood in chess clubs, Fischer said that, “One day, I just got good.” That may be a bit of an understatement. At the age of 13 he won the U.S. Junior Chess Championship, becoming the youngest Junior Champion ever. At the age of 14 he won the U.S. Championship and became the youngest U.S. Champion in history. Fischer would go on to become the World Champion of chess, but he would also grow to become his own worst enemy. Instead of defending the title, he forfeited it to the next challenger without even making a move, and the rise of a chess superstar ended with a fizzle.
Sequence. Something about Fischer becoming chess champion and losing at the last moment.