Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Barrio Boy
Academic Vocabulary
Jane Schaffer
The _________________________ music foreshadowed the danger that was about to come. conceded/domestic/meticulous/assess/ominous
The ominous music foreshadowed the danger that was about to come.
The group was speechless by the _________________________ size of the Grand Canyon. maneuvered/menace/formidable/mobilized/interpreter idiocies/anchorage
The group was speechless by the formidable size of the Grand Canyon.
Almost tiptoeing across the office, I maneuvered myself to keep my mother between me and the gringo lady. The author most likely included the following sentence to ___________. A. show that Miss Hopley, the gringo lady, is tall and frightening in appearance B. offer readers an example of the narrator’s quick reflexes C. remind the reader that the narrator is young and nervous D. to suggest to the reader the narrator’s fear of authority
C. remind the reader that the narrator is young and nervous
The message or lesson the author wants you to take away from the story.
CD or CM: Ernesto hides behind his mother when he is first meeting new people at the school.
CD (Concrete Detail).
The man completed a daily chart to _________________________ his progress. concede/domesticate/meticulous/assess/ominous
The man completed a daily chart to assess his progress.
The _________________________ of the disorganized schedule quickly frustrated the crowd. maneuvered/menace/formidable/mobilized/interpreter idiocies/anchorage
The idiocies of the disorganized schedule quickly frustrated the crowd.
What information mainly does the following passage convey (paragraph 12)? Miss Ryan took me to a seat at the front of the room, into which I shrank—the better to survey her. She was, to skinny, somewhat runty me, of a withering height when she patrolled the class. And when I least expected it, there she was, crouching by my desk, her blond radiant face level with mine, her voice patiently maneuvering me over the awful idiocies of the English language. A. The narrator is anxious in Miss Ryan’s presence. B. Miss Ryan thinks the narrator is an exceptional student. C. Miss Ryan is more than six feet tall. D. The narrator dislikes Miss Ryan trying to explain the “idiocies” of English.
A. The narrator is anxious in Miss Ryan’s presence.
Where and when a story takes place.
CD or CM: Ernesto faces challenges bravely and with a great attitude.
Commentary (CM).
The politician _________________________ managed his campaign funds. concededly/domestically/meticulously/assessingly/ominously
The politician meticulously managed his campaign funds.
Under the bed was a secure _________________________ for the frightened dog. maneuvered/menace/formidable/mobilized/interpreter idiocies/anchorage
Under the bed was a secure anchorage for the frightened dog.
Which of the following selections best identifies the main idea of paragraph 17? "At Lincoln, making us into Americans did not mean ... feeling ashamed of being a Mexican." A. The Lincoln School encouraged each of the students to embrace his or her individual identity. B. Students in classes at Lincoln School were allowed to speak in their native tongue. C. There were quite a few field trips at the Lincoln School to museums and art galleries. D. The students’ different cultures were fascinating to Miss Hopley.
A. The Lincoln School encouraged each of the students to embrace his or her individual identity.
Two or more characters talking to each other, usually contained in quotation marks (" ").
In a 1:2+ paragraph, how much commentary (sentences in green) is there?
Two or more.
The _________________________ became close with the family after working in their home for many years. conceded/domestic/meticulously/assess/ominous
The domestic became close with the family after working in their home for many years.
After her little sister tattled to their parents, Tanya considered her a(n) __________________. maneuvered/menace/formidable/mobilized/interpreter idiocies/anchorage
After her little sister tattled to their parents, Tanya considered her a menace.
Which of the following inferences about the narrator is best supported by the first paragraph of the excerpt? The two of us walked south on Fifth Street one morning to the corner of Q Street and turned right. Half of the block was occupied by the Lincoln School. It was a three-story wooden building, with two wings that gave it the shape of a double-T connected by a central hall. It was a new building, painted yellow, with a shingled roof that was not like the red tile of the school in Mazatlán. I noticed other differences, none of them very reassuring. A. The narrator and his mother had to walk a long way to get to the school. B. The narrator has just started noticing the architecture of the United States. C. The narrator is apprehensive at first about his new school due to its unfamiliarity. D. The narrator is excited by the look of the school, with its new, yellow building.
C. The narrator is apprehensive at first about his new school due to its unfamiliarity.
Point of view in which the narrator is NOT a character in the story but knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. Example: Harry looked around the room. He felt nervous but hopeful they would find a solution. Hermione was in the corner, thinking back on books she'd read in order to come up with a way to escape.
Third person omniscient point of view.
In a 2+:1 paragraph? How many CDs (sentences in red) are there?
Two or more.
George Washington famously _________________________ that he chopped down the cherry tree. conceded/domesticated/meticulously/assessed/ominous
George Washington famously conceded that he chopped down the cherry tree.
While traveling, Paul relied on a(n) ____________________ to translate his conversations. maneuvered/menace/formidable/mobilized/interpreter idiocies/anchorage
While traveling, Paul relied on an interpreter to translate his conversations.
Which is most likely the narrator’s reason for interrupting Miss Ryan in the following passage? "When we came to know each other better, I tried interrupting to tell Miss Ryan how we said it in Spanish. It didn’t work." A. The narrator would like to teach Miss Ryan to speak Spanish. B. The narrator prefers Spanish words to English, and would like to show Miss Ryan why. C. The narrator wants to impress Miss Ryan with words he knows that she does not. D. Miss Ryan is overwhelming the narrator with so many new English words.
C. The narrator wants to impress Miss Ryan with words he knows that she does not.
Point of view in which the narrator is NOT a character in the story, but does not know the thoughts and feelings of any of the characters. They are simply giving a report of the actions. Example: Harry looked across the room. Hermione was in the corner with a confused look on her face.
Third person objective point of view.
What is one way to write a topic sentence?
Answer the question.