Knowledge of Language
Elements of a Story
Literary Device
Sentence Structure & Grammar

What strategies can you use to determine the meaning of a word if you do not know it?

  1. Context Clues: Look at the words surrounding the unknown word for hints about its meaning.

  2. Word Parts: Break down the word into prefixes, roots, and suffixes to understand its meaning.


How does the setting of a story impact the plot and characters?

The setting can create a specific mood or atmosphere that influences how events unfold and how characters behave.


The setting can provide historical, cultural, or geographical context


Which text structure presents information in the order of time?

The text structure that presents information in the order of time is called chronological order.


What literary device is used to create a comparison without using "like" or "as"?

The literary device used to create a comparison without using "like" or "as" is called a metaphor. Metaphors compare two unlike things by stating that one thing is another. 


Identify the adverb in the sentence: "She quickly ran to the store."

The adverb in the sentence "She quickly ran to the store" is quickly.

 Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, providing more information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action is done.


He lived alone in his house in Saville Row, whither none penetrated. A single domestic sufficed to serve him.

What is the meaning of the word domestic in the sentence?

In the sentence provided, the word "domestic" refers to a servant or household employee who works in the home.


What are the main components of a plot?

  1. Introduction

  2. Rising Action

  3. Climax

  4. Falling Action

  5. Resolution


What type of writing is based on facts and evidence?

The type of writing that is based on facts and evidence is called expository writing. 

Expository writing aims to explain, inform, or describe a topic in a straightforward and objective manner, relying on evidence, examples, and facts to support the information presented.


Identify the literary device in the sentence: "The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky."

Personification is a literary device where human characteristics are attributed to non-human things, in this case, describing the stars as dancing playfully


What type of reference material can provide definitions, pronunciations, and word origins?

The type of reference material that can provide definitions, pronunciations, and word origins is a dictionary.


Give an example of a synonym you could use to determine the meaning of the word "gross"

An example of a synonym for the word "gross" could be "disgusting".


What is the climax of a story?


  • The turning point of the story where the conflict reaches its peak.

What type of writing tells a story and typically includes characters, setting, and plot?

The type of writing that tells a story and typically includes characters, setting, and plot is called narrative writing. 

Narrative writing can take the form of short stories, novels, myths, legends, and even personal anecdotes.


What is the difference between first-person and third-person point of view?

First-Person Point of View: Narrator uses pronouns like "I," "me," and "my" to tell the story.

- Provides a personal perspective, allowing readers to see events through the narrator's eyes.

- Readers experience the story from the narrator's direct thoughts and feelings.

Third-Person Point of View:Narrator uses pronouns like "he," "she," "they," and "it" to tell the story.

- Offers an external perspective, where the narrator is an observer rather than a character in the story.

- Readers have a broader view of the events and can see multiple characters' thoughts and actions.


Differentiate between a compound and a complex sentence.

  • Compound Sentence:

    • Structure: Consists of two or more independent clauses (complete sentences) joined by a coordinating conjunction (such as "and," "but," "or") or a semicolon.
    • Example: "She went to the store, and he stayed home."
  • Complex Sentence:

    • Structure: Contains an independent clause (complete sentence) and one or more dependent clauses (incomplete sentences that cannot stand alone).
    • Example: "While I was studying, my brother was playing games."


Explain the difference between two words that are often confused: principal and principle.

  • Principal: 

    • Noun: Refers to a person who holds a high position or is in charge, such as the head of a school.
    • Adjective: Can also describe something that is primary or most important.
  • Principle: 

    • Noun: Refers to a fundamental truth, law, or belief that serves as the foundation of a system of thought or behavior.

How does the resolution differ from the conclusion in a narrative?

While the resolution specifically deals with the resolution of the main conflict, 

the conclusion is the ending of the entire narrative, including any final thoughts, reflections, or insights.


True or False: A book review that states "This is the best book ever!" is an example of objective writing.


A book review that simply states "This is the best book ever!" reflects a subjective opinion rather than objective writing. Objective writing is based on facts, evidence, and unbiased information.


Explain the difference between direct and indirect characterization.

Direct characterization explicitly tells the reader about a character's traits, while indirect characterization allows readers to infer.

Direct Characterization:

- Example: "She was a kind-hearted and generous person."

Indirect Characterization:

- Example: "She offered her coat to a shivering stranger, showing her kind-hearted nature."


What is the meaning of the Greek root - "chron"?

The Greek root "chron" means time. Words that contain this root often relate to time or the sequence of events.


Use clues to determine the meaning of the word "resilient."

By breaking down the word "resilient," we can see that it is formed from the prefix "re-" meaning again, the root "sil-" meaning to jump or leap, and the suffix "-ient" indicating a state or condition. Putting it all together, "resilient" can be understood as the ability to bounce back or recover quickly from challenges or setbacks.

  • Prefix: "Re-" means again or back.
  • Root: "Sil-" comes from the Latin word "salire," which means to jump or leap.
  • Suffix: "-ient" is a suffix that forms adjectives indicating a state or condition.

What are the different types of conflict in a story?

Types of Conflict in a Story

  1. Internal Conflict:

    • Conflict that occurs within a character's mind, involving opposing thoughts, feelings, or desires.
  2. External Conflict:

    • Conflict between a character and an outside force, which can be another character, society, nature, or a situation.
  3. Man vs. Self:

    • A specific type of internal conflict where a character struggles with their own beliefs, emotions, or decisions.
  4. Man vs. Man:

    • External conflict between two or more characters with opposing goals, beliefs, or values.
  5. Man vs. Society:

    • External conflict where a character faces opposition from societal norms, institutions, or expectations.
  6. Man vs. Nature:

    • External conflict involving a character struggling against natural elements, disasters, or environments.
  7. Man vs. Fate:

    • Conflict where a character contends with a predetermined destiny or external forces beyond their control.

Name two elements that should be included in the introduction of an argumentative essay.

1. Thesis or Claim Statement:

  • Clearly states the main argument or position that the essay will defend or argue against.

2. Background Information:

  • Provides context, introduces the topic, and outlines the importance or relevance of the issue being discussed.

Including these elements can help set the stage for the reader and establish the direction of the argument.


"The fire station burned down." What type of irony is this?

The statement "The fire station burned down" is an example of Situation Irony:

  • Involves a situation where the outcome is different from what is expected, often leading to surprise or humor.

Which type of sentence is this?

I went to the spring to get some water, and I saw a deer drinking there.

The sentence "I went to the spring to get some water, and I saw a deer drinking there" is a compound sentence. 

It is a compound sentence because it consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and."