Figurative Language
Parts of the Story
Main Idea
Identify the type of figurative language: Your friend George is just a big baby!
What is metaphor
James licked the final square, posted it at the top corner of the envelope and dropped it in the large blue box. He hoped it would get there in time. Nobody likes a late birthday message. James is ...
What is mailing a card
What word fits both sentences: What a difficult _____ she had with today’s math test. At what _____ will you be home? A. point B. time C. period D. decision
What is B. Time
The time and location in which a story takes place.
What is Setting
The St. Lawrence Seaway was a joint project of the United States and Canada. Together, the two countries built a series of canals, locks, and channels. They connect the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean by way of the St. Lawrence River. The seaway opened up the central part of North America to shipping to and from Europe. It had been in use since 1959. The main idea in this passage is: a. the Atlantic Ocean b. the St. Lawrence River c. the St. Lawrence Seaway D. Europe
What is C. The st. Lawrence seaway
Identify the type of figurative language: I must have walked a thousand miles!
What is hyperbole
He loved all the characters. That was the best part of the show. Homer, Marge, Bart, they all made him laugh. It was nice to sit down, smile, and not worry about a thing after a long day of working. His favorite show is...
What is the Simpsons
Identify the connotation for each word: a reckless plan /a daring plan
What is reckless - negative daring - positive
The sequence of events in a story.
What is plot
It can be played by one person, or by three or more. A single player would hold one end of the rope in each hand. Then she would turn the rope so that it goes over her head. Each time the rope approaches her feet, she would jump over. For three or more players, two girls would each hold one end of a long rope. They would turn the rope so that it touches the ground at the bottom, and goes above the players' heads at the top. The other girls would take turns jumping. The main idea in this passage is: the best rope jumper one-person jump rope how to jump rope three-person jump rope
What is how to jump rope
Identify the type of figurative language: The car happily squealed down the highway.
What is personification
Of all the chores Tavon had around the house, it was his least favorite. Folding the laundry was fine, doing the dishes, that was alright. But he couldn’t stand hauling the large bags over to the giant silver canisters. He hated the smell and the possibility of rats. It was disgusting. Tavon's least favorite chores is...
What is taking out the trash
Which word fits both sentences: A statement should be followed by a _____. The class _____ seemed to pass slowly. E. question mark F. decade G. period H. time
What is period
The struggle within the story.
What is conflict
The Half Moon took a round about way to find the Hudson River. The Half Moon was Henry Hudson's ship. He sailed to North America in the Half Moon. He was looking for a Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. First he went north. That didn't work. Then he went south. Then he turned north again. This time he sailed into a river. The river was named Hudson River in his honor. The main idea in this passage is: why Henry Hudson didn't find a Northwest Passage why Henry Hudson sailed to North America how Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson River the name of Henry Hudson's ship
What is how Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson River
Identify the type of figurative language: She looks as pretty as a picture.
What is Simile
Maurice loved the feeling of being launched at such fast speeds. He looked forward to the twists and turns, and the upside down loops. The park had gotten so expensive that his family could only afford to go once a year, so Maurice would count down the days until he could feel his hair blowing in the wind as he raced around the track. The family likes to go to...
What is amusement park
Identify the connotation for each word: answered with arrogance/ answered with confidence
What is arrogance - negative confidence - positive
The person or animal in a work of fiction
What is character
We often hear about Baghdad, Iraq on the news. As everyone knows, Iraq is the site of the war that America is involved in. But, did you know that it is also the site of one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located on the Euphrates River near the present day Baghdad. They were beautiful, green, terraced gardens. They must have been a fantastic sight in this desert country. The main idea in this passage is: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Baghdad The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World The Iraq War
What is the hanging Gardens of Babylon
Identify the type of figurative language: That chocolate ice cream cone is really tempting me.
What is personification
He gave a speech in front of a boisterous crowd. Flags were perched all along the pulpit and he talked about what could be done to improve the lives of everyday Americans. Only a few months later he would be sworn into office, promising to work hard to lead America. This person is...
What is the president
Identify the meaning of the word sweltered: The lost campers sweltered in the heat of the desert sun. A. ate B. burned C. slept D. sunbathed
What is B. Burned
The main idea of the story.
What is theme
What is a mortgage? A mortgage is a particular kind of a loan. When someone takes out a mortgage, they get money to buy a house. They must pay the money back, plus interest. Usually people make a mortgage payment once each month. The house is collateral on the loan. That means that, if the payments aren't made, the bank can take the house. In fact, the bank holds the deed to the house until the mortgage is paid. The main idea in this passage is: a definition of the word collateral a definition of the word mortgage information about buying a house pros and cons of buying a house
What is a definition of the word mortgage