Best Practice
Context Clues
Everyday after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said. What type of job does Paul work?
Paul works some kind of job that requires him to get dirty: ditch digger, miner, laborer, etc.
What is the difference between Mood and Tone?
Mood is the feeling the reader gets when they read a work; tone is the attitude of the author toward their subject matter or audience
hair : scissors :: grass :
This is what you should do if you do not understand what a question is asking you
Reread the question.
"Sequoya had a mangled leg that caused him to be called 'Lame One'" What does mangled mean?
What is A. Strong, B. Slender, C. Sore, D. Deformed.
Valerie opened up the letter from the military department. She felt the pit of her stomach drop to the bottom of the earth before she even opened it. She knew it was news about John. As she read the first line, she thought of all of the lunches she had packed him and all the nights she tucked him in his bed and warded off the nighttime monsters. The man carrying the flag put his hand on her shoulder. She thought of the day that John signed up for the military. Her tears wet the letter. She stopped reading after the first line. What does the letter say? What is Valerie's relationship to John?
What does the letter say? John has been lost in battle. What is Valerie's relationship to John? Valerie is John's mother.
When an author hints about things that will happen later on in the story.
What is foreshadowing?
factory : plant :: landfill :
This is something you should do if you wind yourself getting sleepy or tired during the test
Stop, relax, stretch in your seat quietly.
"Mighty and fair-skinned, he supposedly has been banished by the Aztec rulers." What does banished mean?
What is A. Made to leave, B. Elected to rule, C. followed closely, D. treated badly
Ruby sat on the bed she shared with her husband, holding the letter. There was something thrilling and, at the same time, terrifying about the letter. Taking a deep, thoughtful breath, Ruby read the letter yet again, reassuring herself that, at least in one person’s eyes, she did have what it takes to reach her goals. After all these years of waiting and summoning her courage, scrimping and saving, was she finally going to take the opportunity she had been denied those many years ago? Ruby tucked the letter back under the mattress. No, today wasn’t the day to tell Max. She had to wait until just the right moment; a good day when Max was full of smiles and hope and good humor. Maybe once spring arrived, carrying with it the promise of sunshine and more work, she would muster the courage to approach her husband. Why does the letter mean so much to Ruby? Why doesn't Ruby tell Max about the letter?
The letter meant so much to Ruby because it was allowing her to reach her goals. Ruby does not tell Max about the letter because Max is depressed and does not have a lot of work.
The surface of the Earth is divided into pieces called “tectonic plates.” These plates move. When the plates rub against each other, they do not move smoothly. When the plates do not move smoothly, earthquakes result. Some parts of the world get more earthquakes than other parts. The parts of the earth that get most earthquakes are near the edges of these plates.
What is cause and effect?
hot:cold :: top:
What is a strategy you can use when you're reading and you can't figure out a word.
Look at the word in the context or the context clues.
"It was as if it quivered, but really this was the telescope vibrating with the activity of the clockwork." What does quivered mean?
What is A. shined B. froze C. shrank D. shook
Anastasia sat by the fountain in the park with her head in her palms. She was weeping mournfully and wearing all black. In between gasps and sobs, Anastasia cried out a name: “Oh... John…” And then her cell phone beeped. Her hand ran into her purse and her heart fluttered. The text message was from John. She opened up the message and read the few bare words, “I need to get my jacket back from you.” Anastasia threw her head into her arms and continued sobbing. What relationship do John and Anastasia have? Why is Anastasia sad?
What relationship do John and Anastasia have? John and Anastasia are boyfriend and girlfriend. Why is Anastasia sad? John and She are breaking-up.
When an author makes a reference to a well know person, place, book, movie, etc. For example....Here come Curly, Larry, and Moe.
What is Allusion?
desert : arid :: rainforest :
What is a strategy you can use if you are trying to save time or gather information about a reading passage?
Look at the question first and skim for key words, headings, subtitles...
"What seemed like tedious, time-consuming memorization of species of animals and plants becomes significant at the zoo and in the forest." What does tedious mean?
What is A. Tiresome, B. fun filled, C. easy, D. Unique
Kelvin was waiting in front of the corner store at 3:56. His muscles were tense and he was sweating a bit more than usual. The other kids gathered in front of the little storefront were much more relaxed, even playful. They joked back and forth lightly to each other but for Kelvin, time slowed. 3:57. “Don’t worry, Kelvin. He ain’t even gonna show up.” Kelvin hoped that he wouldn’t. A black four-door Camry with tinted windows pulled up and parked across the street. Kelvin gulped. 3:58. A group of teenagers piled out of the car. James was in the front. “Hi-ya, Kelvin. Glad you could make it,” James said. Kelvin felt smaller. Why is Kelvin waiting at the corner store? Are James and Kelvin friends? Why is Kelvin so nervous?
Why is Kelvin waiting at the corner store? He's going to fight James. Are James and Kelvin friends? No, they are not. Why is Kelvin so nervous? Kelvin doesn't want to fight or is worried about the fight.
The perspective from which the story is told. It may be first, second, third, or third-person omniscent.
What is point of view?
trio : three :: duo :
What are two things you should highlight in the passages.
Key words from the questions and main ideas.
"To discharge my sick boy from the army." What does discharge mean?
What is A. carry out or perform B. punish or fire C. release or relieve of duty D. shoot or injure