Plate Tectonics
Matter and Energy
Force and Motion

Name at least three things that characterize any living thing.

It is made of at least one cell, it can reproduce, it can grow and develop, it can respond to its environment, it can process energy


Name at least 4 things that plants need to be ideal in order to grow.

temperature, light, water, air, nutrients, time, and room to grow


What is Pangaea?

A giant landmass of all the continents together that scientists believe existed before it broke apart and continents began to gradually drift to their current locations.


What is the smallest particle of matter that we can have and still identify it as a type of matter?

at atom


A push or a pull is the definition for what?



What are the tiny parts inside of cells called that allow them to perform life functions?



What are some of the main "organs" in a plant? 

The main organs in a plant are the stem, the roots, and the leaves.


What are plate boundaries?  Can we see them?

The continents are just part of giant landmasses that extend below earth's surface - these are called plates.  Where the plates interact is called a boundary, and we cannot see these.


What are the three main types of smaller particles (subatomic) that make up an atom?

protons, neutrons, and electrons


Name and describe two different forces.

Gravity is a force of attraction between any two things with mass.  Friction is a force that occurs when any to types of matter are in contact with each other.


What is the natural process called, which requires no energy, by which gases and water water move in and out of the cell to maintain balance?

Diffusion, and the diffusion of water is called osmosis


Can a plant grow without soil?  Can it grow without a seed?

Yes to both!  Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in water rather than soil.  Plants that reproduce asexually can grow from spores or from a part of an existing plant.


What are the three types of plate boundaries and how do they compare?

convergent - plates move together

divergent - plates move apart

transform - plates slide past each other


Why is the location of an electron important?

Because it is located on the outside of the nucleus, it is free to move.  This is important in lots of different types of energy like chemical and electrical.


Choose either the clay boats or the paper airplanes and describe at least two forces that affected those things when we tested them.

For the boats, buoyant force needed to overcome gravity, so the mass of the clay needed to be spread out so that the volume increased

For the planes, lift and thrust needed to overcome gravity and drag (air resistance - fluid friction).


Name two ways that plant cells are different from animal cells and why they need different parts.

Plant cells have chloroplasts which contain material to help with photosynthesis.  Plant cells also have a cell wall for support since plants have no skeleton.


What is the difference between a perfect and an imperfect flowering plant?

Both reproduce sexually, but a perfect flowering plant has both male and female reproductive cells in the same plant and so can self-pollinate.  An imperfect flower has only male or female cells and requires a pollinator.


How do volcanoes form?

The gases that build up in the magma (melted rock beneath earth's surface) cause pressure to increase forcing the magma up and out of the vent of the volcano.


What is the difference between a chemical and physical change?  Give an example of each.

In a chemical change, a totally new substance is produced (like when you mix vinegar and baking soda and get carbon dioxide). In a physical change, the outer appearance might be different, but the substance doesn't change (like ripping paper into smaller pieces.


What is the speed if a car travels 30 miles in 2 hours?  How did you get your answer?

15 m/h - distance/time

What is the name of the process by which cells divide to form new cells?  Why was the idea of "spontaneous generation" incorrect?

Cells divide by mitosis.  Spontaneous generation said that living things can come from nonliving things.  This is not correct, because cells form from existing cells through mitosis.  Living things come from living things.


If a seed is not growing, does that mean it never will?

No, it just might be dormant, which means it might not have the right amount of light, water or oxygen to germinate.  If the conditions are corrected, it could still grow.


Why does an earthquake happen?

When plates are trying to slide past each other (so this often happens at transform boundaries) and friction prevents them from moving, energy builds up at the point of resistance.  When they eventually do move, all that energy is released and earthquakes happen.


The property of a substance being an acid or a base is a chemical property.  How can we determine if something is an acid or a base?

We use an indicator called pH paper.  It changes color when you dip it into a substance.  There is a color/number scale that tells you whether it is an acid or base (1-6 on the red/pink end is an acid, 7 on the organs/yellow scale is neutral, and 8-14 on the green/blue end is a base).


Can an object accelerate without changing its speed?

Yes, because velocity is speed in a given direction.  So it the object continues at a constant speed but turns, the velocity changes, and the object accelerates.