Which 2 flavors of soda were in the fridge first?
Coke and Dr. Pepper
Name one action that was done (or almost done) due to feelings, during the darts game.
Don and Yisroel Leib Threw harder when they were upset and Levi had said he wanted to Punch Y.L. in the face for doing well when he was angry.
What happened that during of one the groups, R' Kohn helped someone realize that he was letting another boy control him?
Don was calling Levi the Chabad Rebbe and getting good reactions out of him until R' Kohn helped Levi realize that he can be in control of himself.
Is it possible to feel multiple and even opposite feelings at the same time?
Yes... excited and nervous are a good example. As well as Victorious and Relief.
True or False- R' Kohn was in the same class as 2 of this group's uncles.
False- R' Kohn was in the same class as THREE of this group's uncles.
What was the activity the week that Levi missed?
Charades (The acting game)
If someone is losing a game, and says "well who cares about this stupid game anyways?!" Why do you think he says this?
He says, who cares about this game anyways. He does this because he is afraid of caring very much about the loss which could make him feel sad or angry, and he doesnt want to feel this way, so he tries to not care about the game, and tries to make everyone else not care as well.
Who do you feel you learned the most about in these groups?
What feeling did Yisroel Leib feel during the darts game that nobody noticed, and they didnt feel that he shouldve felt that way when they found out about it?
True or False- You have said Thank you to R' Kohn, for a soda, at least once!
False-Unfortunately, no one has.
R' Kohn had complimented the good teamwork, during the Tic-Tac-Toe game. What were the teams?
Y.L. and Levi vs. Moishy and Don
How will I act or what will I say if the group doesnt get the 85%?
Surprise package!
FREE 300 Points!
Which 3 of these 5 feelings did everyone feel in the first group?
1. Curious 2. Calm 3. Excited 4. Angry 5. Competitive
Curious, Excited and Competitive
True or False-R' Kohn has:
1. Given me time off class. 2. Arranged games for me. 3. Has given me multiple sodas. 4. Was friendly with me. 5. Spent time and energy developing these groups for me.
Name 1 thing that was acted out during the charades game.
Money, Feeling left out etc...
What did Moishy and Don do to the whiteboard, (seemingly absentmindedly) after the Tic-Tac-Toe game? And why?
They erased the big X which symbolized the other team's victory, and maybe their feelings of loss, subconsciously caused them to that...
What do Levi's leitzanus and Moishy's sarcasm have in common?
They both try to dull feelings.
Sarcasm pretends not to care.
Leitznus (silliness) makes a joke out it to lighten it up.
What does feelings have to do with Bein Adam Lichaveiro?
Everything! Bein Adam Lichaveiro is all about making someone else FEEL good in some way.
True or False- While R' Kohn was the leader and not a participant, he also had feelings throughout these groups.